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From 'Song' to 'Star'

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Ezziestar Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:46 am

Ezziesong opened her eyes and looked around. She found herself crouched down in a starlit forest, the stars around in the sky were bright and it took Ezziesong a few moments to realize where she was. Am... am I in Starclan? She looked around as she slowly got to her paws, hoping to see anyone that she could recognize.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Loki Tue Nov 13, 2012 6:11 pm

Lokistar appeared like a morning fog. The she-cat looked less weak and elderly as she had recently and her pelt glowed brightly.
Her ice blue eyes shone over Ezziesong before her and she smiled in a friendly manor.
The surrounding environment was a wonderful silver, bright and still in the calm night.
"Ezziesong," Lokistar purred, "I am glad you are here."

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Ezziestar Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:18 am

Ezziesong's heart leaped for joy when she saw her former leader and Best friend appear before her. Ezziesong almost missed Lokistar's voice as she spoke, there was plenty of things Ezziesong wanted to know, but she didn't blurt everything out. "Lokistar." She dipped her head in the only show of respect she could give. Once again, Ezziesong felt she was just a warrior of Tawnyclan again, and Ezziesong missed that feeling, But now wasn't the time to be living in the past. "I am glad to be here." Ezziesong finally meowed, she normally would of cried, but deep down she told herself that tears had already fallen like those who have recently.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Loki Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:59 pm

Lokistar came forward to place her head against Ezziesongs while her head was dipped.
she was sad that this would be the way of which they would meet from now on.
"I am sorry for how this has turned Ezziesong, I am sure you have many things to ask.
I am sure you will lead the clan to victory but first you must have your nine lives."
Lokistar stepped back as eight more cats appeared behinds her, some would me more recognisable for Ezziesong than others.
Glaciercloud and Jacklepelt were present.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Ezziestar Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:26 pm

Ezziesong glanced around excitedly at the cats, two stood out to her the most however, Glaciercloud! Jacklepelt! Have I missed you all so badly. She didn't say anything, her emotions prevented such feelings to be said. Her mouth gaped open almost wide enough to catch a mouse. She just closed her eyes, memories flooded all of her sense of understanding. Ezziesong suddenly felt fear as her flash of memories lead to seeing Lokistar's death. Ezziesong clenched her teeth as she forced the painful memories to the back of her mind.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Loki Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:44 pm

OOC: sorry, hon.
Lokistar backed away only for Jacklepelt to come forward.
Jacklepelt along with Distortfang were both apprentices that fought alongside Lokistar in the last battle, dyeing with their leader before shortly receiving their unceremonious warrior names.
The young Tom smiled brightly at Ezziesong before placing his nose upon her head. Ezzisong would be swept with feelings of play, happy and fuzzy memories of being a kit before the overwhelming sensation of pride came. Then there was disappointment with the many failures that the trials of apprenticeship brought. A soft glos of determination quivered before a terrible pain that could only be death.

Jacklepelts soft mew came then as he told her softly, "With this life I give you Courage."
He paused for a moment before continuing, "use it well as to face you're enemies even when no other option is left."
Jacklepelt paused before he turned away to join the rest of the group.
OOC:mistakes are caused by iPad lol

Last edited by Loki on Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Ezziestar Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:10 pm

((XD That's Okay.))

Ezziesong' heart began to race as she recognized Jacklepelt, whom was the first to step forwards. Ezziesong closed her eyes as her former clanmate placed his nose on her head. She felt all the feelings of being a kit, running around Tawnyclan's clearing, accidentally bumping into a warrior or two during her games. Her first time she had fresh kill, the first time she was able to play tackle one of the other kits in the nursery. She felt another sensation, which almost made her purr. The pride that rose from deep inside her from these moments of her history, especially when she became a Tawnyclan apprentice. Suddenly, her joyous moment from being an apprentice was overtaken by another emotion.

Her memories took her to a place she had been in before. The place she wished she'd left behind long, long ago. On her first hunting mission, she had a plump squirrel pinned to the ground, but her kill scratched up earth, which got in her eyes. Ezziepaw had no choice but to release her catch. There were many other problems that Ezziepaw had encountered, but she had forced them to the back of her mind for so long that she'd nearly forgotten what happened.

Her feeling of determination to overcome such problems made Ezziesong feel hot underneath her pelt, then suddenly, a sudden pain gripped her body. Ezzieong almost felt she needed to shake it off, but she tried her best to compose herself. Ezziesong's pain subsided, leaving her with a feeling of peace as she heard Jacklepelt's words. When Jacklepelt had finished and joined the group of Starclan cats. That was one life? Ezziesong panted, I thought it wasn't going to be so harsh.

((Sorry if some things I have said may not fit in well. :/ I wanted to have some back story behind Ezziesong as an apprentice... unfortunately I don't have much to bounce off.))

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Loki Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:27 am

Then came Russetpelt, the deputy before Lokistar, killed by leagues so many moons ago. Russetpelt came forth and rested his nose against her head.
With this contact came sudden exhaustion that would take Ezziesong like a sweeping wave. There was a wall blocking the path, other obstacles were presen too until each one had been overcome. A victorious feeling overtook the two as Russetpelt thought to the time of which he had lead a patrol against a bunch of rogues and won. There wer other times he could remember in his struggle to become a deputy before pain erupted in his demise.
Then there was a great sadness as he pulled away.
"with this life I give you Enterprise," he told her willingly, "use it through the hard times, with optimism that they can improve. The battle is lost when you accept that it is lost in your heart."
The Tom turned and stalked back to the crowd.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Ezziestar Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:51 pm

Next approached Russetpelt, Ezziesong wasn't entirely aware of who he was, since as a kit, she had never met him. I'm sure I've heard stories of who he is... I- I can't think of what now. Almost too embarrassed to make eye contact, she closed her eyes and flinched as she felt his nose touch her forehead. A sudden feeling of exhaustion swooped upon her, like an eagle swooping on it's prey, she felt as if she needed to lie down, but she tried to keep herself upright. As Ezziesong's mind began to spin, she felt herself cornered, she still felt tired, but something deep within her, she saw a scene before her. She was surrounded by rogue cats, and she could see the starry deputy beside her, there were other cats too, but Ezziesong was too unsure to ever look to see who they were. He was the first to lunge to the battle; and his patrol followed within a beat. They took on all of the rogues and left them fleeing like rabbits.

Ezziesong stared in awe as the image in her mind slowly faded away, she was once again wary of the fact she was still in Starclan with the same tom who took on the rouge cats. A feeling of Victory took her, but the feeling was short lived, as a sharp pain hit her like a thorn to her side, but worse. Ezziesong felt him move away, and a sadness filled her heart; Ezziesong watched as he stalked away, the sadness still clung in her mind even after he had left. I still don't know what the other lives are going to be like... but I do hope I don't feel a pain like that again. Her energy began to return to her slowly.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Loki Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:08 pm

Who next but Nightail to come to see Ezziesong. The Tawneyclan queen came forward. The starry outline only complemented her pitch black pelt as she paused to touch Ezziesong's forhead.

"With this life I give you protection,"she told Ezziesong softly."Use it well to care for your clan as a mother cares for her kits."
Ezziesong may have expected this life to be gentle and loving lunlike that of Jacklepelt's or Russetpelt's.
The current Tawneyclan deputy would not have been ready for the bolt of ferocity that transfixed her.
There was a feeling as though all the fury of their ancient ancestors Thunderclan and Windlcan were pulsing through Ezziesong at Nightails touch, challenging any cat to harm the weaker,faceless shadows that crouched by her black paws.
Here was a mother's desire to protect her kits and the unrivaled love she felt for everyone of them: Wolffang, Skyblaze, Jacklepelt and Sunshift.
Nightail stepped away and left to join the ranks of the Starclan members.

Silverstream, a cat who had dyed many moons before Ezziesong was made apprentice, then came forth.
She strolled over and touched noses with Ezzisong calmly stating:
"With this life I give you loyalty to what you know to be right,"she meowed .
Memories of finding Stone and helping him and even allowing Amunet to join them came into Ezziesongs minds eye.
'Use it well to guide your clan in times of trouble," Silversteam urged her.
Ezzisong would have braced herself for another agonizing pang,but this time there was less pain as the new life rushed through her. There was a warm glow of love,and realized dimly that that was what had marked Silverstream's life-love for her clan, and the life she gave to protect the life of Tawneyclan due to the league.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Ezziestar Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:39 pm

Nightail had made her way towards Ezziesong. I felt like I've never known you well enough, yet I know you all so well... Even Ezziesong knew that it was much too late now to discuss such matters.
She closed her eyes as Nightail touched her forehead as the other Starclan cats had done before.
The life of protection was granted, and Ezziesong was caught off guard by the ferocity and fire that burned through her, giving her energy for times of need, as a mother needs her kits to be safe. She felt as if she stood by ancient warriors from their past were beside her. She felt a strong urge of a challenge against any cat to come forward and attack those who couldn't defend themselves. She looked down to her paws; the pulsing didn't stop, a new feeling pounced on Ezziesong. A Mother's tenderness and love filled her, and four cats came into vision in Ezziesong's mind; Wolffang, Skyblaze, Jacklepelt and Sunshift.
The feeling faded, leaving Ezziesong feeling shaky and weak, yet she remained on her paws as Nightail withdrew and was replaced by a she- cat that Ezziesong didn't even know.

The she- cat granted Ezziesong with the life for loyalty. She sighed in relief as calm memories filled her mind. From when Ezziesong brought Stone into Tawnyclan, which saved his life and how he had proven his loyalties to Tawnyclan during the battle with Mudblood cats. Also the image of Amunet joining Tawnyclan also sprung up to face her. Ezziesong braced herself for more pain, but found that this life wasn't as painful as the other lives. In fact, this life surged through her, filling her with love and strength. A feeling of a long love for her clan... or was it this She-cat's? There was a vision of the same she- cat, laying down her life to protect Tawnyclan against the League.
This made Ezziesong feel more prepared for the next life she was to be given.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Loki Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:30 pm

The fifth cat to come was Darkcloud. The she-cat who had gotten herself murdered by pride. However the cats had spoken between the clan for whether it was Abyssclan or a rogue to have done it, since nobody was around to stand witness.
Darkcloud always had an irritating way of being smug for no apparent reason, but she had been a good warrior and provider to the clan none-the-less.
Darkcloud came forward and pressed her nose upon Ezziesong's head.
There was a strange feeling like running water that began to flow with increasing speed before Ezziesong thought she would be carried away. Then there was calm, as consoling thoughts of all the right decisions Ezziesong made: small and big came into mind.
"With this life I give you Guidance, when the clan is lost you will be there to show them the way with confidence."

The sixth cat was Tigersoul, who had died in the fires. He came forward quickly to replace Darkcloud, the tom was lithe and had got his name from having the courage and energy that the greater ancestors known as tigers were thought to have.
"With this life I give you Tireless Energy. Use it well to carry out the duties of a leader."
As the life coursed through her, she would feel as if she were racing through the forest; paws skimming the ground and ears flattened by the wind.
She knew the exhilaration of the hunt and the sheer joy of speed and had the feeling that she could outrun any enemy forever.

Tigersoul smiled and Ezziesong was then graced by the presence of Glaciorcloud.
The white she-cats wonderfully blue eyes glinted in the starry light as she came to place her nose against Ezziesong's.
"With this life I give you love."
A sweet scent would fill Ezziesongs senses and the feeling of dislike and prejudice against anything unworthy of that path would disappear.
Compassion replaced hate and then a swift energy almost knocked Ezziesong straight from her paws as Glaciourcloud breathed: "use it well to forgive and forget past mistakes and show enemies that there is always a better path."
The ex-medicine cat paused, looking as if she had more to say, before shaking her head and re-joining the ranks as Lokistar came forth.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Ezziestar Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:07 am

Ezziesong blinked as Darkcloud came forth. She didn't know what to think. This she- cat had been killed by what she believed was either a rogue or an Abyssclan murderer... But she had died alone was all Ezziesong knew. Ezziesong felt sorrow slowly creep up on her; Darkcloud had always done her best to provide for the clan and despite her pride, she was indeed a good warrior. Ezziesong closed her eyes, as she had done the other four times, and an image of a steady stream filled her mind. The water began to pick up, and within moments became a rapid flowing current that went out of control. Ezziesong was tempted to dig in her claws, for she was surely going to be swept away along with it, suddenly everything stopped. Her fear was replaced by calm, she felt comforted with the choices she had made in her life, how she taught Stormpaw was one, another was her decision to save Stone from the harsh cold of Leaf bare. He grew to being such a loyal friend and tom, fighting with Tawnyclan instead of against them.
Then choosing for Tawnyclan to stay close was another good choice that Ezziesong had made. Other such decisions helped comfort her and eased her fears.

Darkcloud's voice broke into her thoughts, the life of Guidence was granted and Ezziesong opened her eyes as she looked at the starry figure of Darkcloud. Next came Tigersoul, Ezziesong remembered his courage from what she'd seen of him. Unfortunately, the reality was, he had died in the blaze that swept through and devoured what Ezziesong held close. Ezziesong was granted the life of Tireless energy; and Ezziesong felt the life take it's effect. Ezziesong's eyes closed immediately, she felt her paws skimming the ground, her ears were flat as if a constant blast of wind set upon her, her heart was racing and her pupils were but large circles from the excitement of it all. Ezziesong stopped, taking a deep breath, but it wasn't enough to calm down her beating heart. She looked around and found herself back with her starry ancestors again. Ezziesong took another deep breath and felt as if she was awoken from a good dream, it wasn't over though. Her heart calmed down and she saw Tigersoul smile at her, then her heart leaped for joy as she saw Glaciercloud.

It wasn't that she cared for the other cats any less, for she did care about them greatly, it's just, Ezziesong was hoping Glaciercloud was going to tell her who to pick for the next medicine cat, for Glaciercloud's sudden death left Tawnyclan in a disadvantage to the other clans. Ezziesong closed her eyes as she felt the ex- medicine cat's nose touch her own. Ezziesong was granted the life of love, and Ezziesong could smell a sweet scent, she felt no anger, hatred or any other feeling of the like. Instead Compassion crept in and a swift blast of energy almost bowled her over, instead she was knocked back, and as if she was in a dream, she saw Stormclaw infront of her. She felt anger rise, but when Stormclaw was about to speak, Glaciercloud's voice and words came out of his jaws.
"Forgive and forget past mistakes and show enemies that there is always a better path." Ezziesong blinked and saw that instead of Stormclaw, there was Glaciercloud. Ezziesong's ears perked up, in eagerness for what else she was going to say, but instead Glaciercloud stepped back and joined the ranks of the starry warriors. The next cat made Ezziesong's emotions fill her, tears filled her eyes as Lokistar came forward.

I wish Lokistar hadn't died when she did... if only she had more lives... she died for her clan... That I know... I just wish that she...
Ezziesong sighed and tears filled her eyes, is this the last life to be given? Ezziesong didn't know. She had lost count from all the other situations she had experienced.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Loki Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:09 am

Lokistars stark, lithe frame paused in front of Ezziesong. In her eyes were a soft sadness and pride that had kept her going for such a long time. The previous leader's icy orbs washed over Ezziesong as she told her with a hollowing tone:
"Welcome Ezzisong, my warrior, my deputy and my most reliable friend. I knew in you that you would be a grand leader one day."
She came closer as she mewed softly, "with this life I give you Wisdom, faith and nobility; I know you will use it well to lead Tawneyclan in the ways of Starclan and the warrior code."
Lokistar came forth to touch her nose against Ezziesong.
There came a strange feeling as determination flooded each cat's veins as the determination of a noble apprentice cut into their minds eye. Lokistar experiences suffering as her first mate died, courage and faith in Starclan as the league stir trouble ending in the death of warriors and Russetpelt's death.
Then there was a strong pride of warrior Ceremony, the forgotten name of Lokiheart.
Like nothing more than a nervous glow of gallantry whispered before the late death of Tawneystar and sudden urge of ambition shook as Lokiheart willfully seized the leader's role.
other emotions followed, Sinewpaw was mixed within them, images of cats travelling vaguely crossed too before the agonising aches began to simmer and hope, joy and love seized Ezziesong.
Lokistar backed away for a moment to study her.

Behind her the Starclan cats rose, as did members hidden in the shimmering lights.
StarClan spoke, "I hail you by your new name, Ezziestar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants to you the guardianship of your Clan. Defend it well; care for the young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code, and live each life with pride and dignity."

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Ezziestar Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:19 pm

Ezziesong couldn't help but stare into Lokistar's eyes. Ezziesong could see sadness and pride in Lokistar's eyes. Ezziesong closed her eyes and heard the familiar voice of her former leader and best friend. She opened her eyes briefly when Lokistar said that she would be a grand leader one day. She closed her eyes again as she was given the life of Wisdom, Faith and Nobility. She felt Lokistar's nose rest upon her and immediately, Ezziesong felt determination flood her veins. She suddenly saw in an image of a young, yet noble apprentice, standing alone with their mentor, and as Lokistar experiences suffering over her mate, Ezziesong also feels the emotion, but over the loss of her own mate, he wasn't exactly dead, but he abandoned the clan he grew up with and left to join the Mudbloodclan cats, and a feeling of choosing the warrior code above everything else, for she wasn't aware of anything she had done that would have broken the rules; her faith in the code and it's meaning in her life.

A storng feeling of pride overtook her, especially when she was declared a warrior and given her first apprentice. At the same time she also held pride in becoming the deputy of Tawnyclan. But there was something else that Ezziesong detected that she knew wasn't her situation. The death of a leader came to mind... but it wasn't Lokistar. Ezziesong saw Lokistar when she would have been younger, how she willfully took the position as leader when Tawnyclan needed her the most. Then it made Ezziesong think; She saw how much doubt she had in herself to accept Lokistar's death. She had taken much too long before she decided to make the journey... only because Tawnyclan needed a leader. Ezziesong felt battered and confused as mixed emotions swept over her. She saw Sinewpaw, and images of travelling cats, but they were soon replaced and forgotten as Ezziesong experienced agony and pain.

She cleched her teeth, bracing for the worst but what she didn't expect was a sudden release of hurt, and as if mending a broken heart, she felt Hope, love and Joy flood through her. Ezziesong opened her eyes, and studied her paws briefly, her pupils glancing from one paw to the other and back again, but quickly. Ezziesong noticed that the Starclan cats rose from where they were and she heard a multitude of the cats from Starclan say:

"I hail you by your new name, Ezziestar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants to you the guardianship of your Clan. Defend it well; care for the young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code, and live each life with pride and dignity."

Ezziesong looked around, she was lost for words. She bowed her head, "I thank you. And I promise to use these lives to lead my clan as the leaders have before me."
Her unspoken questions that she was desperate for answers for were:
Who is to be the next medicine cat... and who do I pick to be the next deputy?
She didn't feel she had the rights to ask these questions now... but she felt as if the cats of Starclan could read her thoughts and answer her questions... so she said nothing.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Loki Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:11 pm

Lokistar ducked her head as she spoke softly into Ezziestar's ear:
"Listen closely as dew splits from its sanctity from the clouded sky as a new dawn awaits to heal the injured."
With nothing more than those words Ezziestar was plummeted into reality, the starry pelted cats fading into a distant memory as the dirge of rain drops colliding against the outside world became genuine.

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by NKninja Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:41 pm

I love bumping into posts sometimes! XD

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Ezziestar Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:42 am

Those words echoed in Ezziestar's mind, they were faint but she could still hear them. She awoke quickly, almost jumping to her paws in fear at the sudden change from being with the Starclan cats to all of a sudden looking at the surroundings of Moonfall.
Her muscles were tense and Ezziesong... no, Ezziestar sat upwards, trying to figure out the words she was told.
Dew splits? A new Dawn heals? Suddenly it came to her, I'm not sure what Dew has to do with it... but perhaps Dawnkit is the next chosen by Starclan to heal our warriors as medicine cat...

Ezziestar got to her paws immediately, It is time that Tawnyclan has a new medicine cat. She made her way to the exit, and she acknowledged Leopardstorm as she met her. She flicked her tail as an indication for Leopardstorm to follow her. She continued on, ready to rejoin her clan.

((:'D Thankies NK... I hope I'll be a good leader.))

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Loki Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:26 pm

OOC: WOOT! Party at my house!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to the new leader!
Leopardstorm was silent as she followed Ezziesong, she felt awed. Was she leader now? She sensed a change in the atmosphere and the cruel rain seemed to let up, for how long nobody was sure.

OOC: I'll make a new topic at the bloodstone. Smile

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From 'Song' to 'Star' Empty Re: From 'Song' to 'Star'

Post by Longstorm Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:06 am

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LS's Group

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