The Outcast Warriors RPG
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The Inglorious Mudbloods

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The Inglorious Mudbloods Empty The Inglorious Mudbloods

Post by Loki Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:29 pm

Juro, a large stone grey tom with cool stone eyes, sat upon the old medicine cat den log.
Platoon one were chatting among platoons; two, ten and three. Consequently their generals had joined Juro upon the log, basking in the well-earned sun.
"It was like picking out the runts of an undersized litter, " Fast announced to the other three wryly, his olive eyes shifting to one cat to another.
"Well apparently General Frost had fallen, half his platoon were crushed as well," Zero regarded matter of factually.
Ice glowered at his paws, "I always knew Frost was a push over," He growled.
"Oh yes," agreed Fast, "Fell like a rock as he went."
The icy white tom nodded and then grinned: "And his platoon?"
"They were a good platoon, definitely a healthy bunch," Zero answered coolly.
"He probably lost his temper and didn't stick to the plan, the survivors returned and were given to Biscuit as a small squad, they're being trained in assassination, I heard anyway."
Ice nodded thought fully.
"General Quail! See-all Eyesoar!" Fast greeted as Quail and Eyeless came into view.
Eyeless feigned a smile but it was a sad and listless one.
Quail nudged her lovingly and mewed in his sing-song, boyish tone, "Hello, Its such a nice day huh?"
Eyeless or newly named Eyesoar looked around herself, a disaproving frown on her face. Her scarred eyes glancing blindly around but an inner-vision showing random spirals of colours and ghostly outlines of the trees and grass, where cats stood she saw blue pulsing energies... Is this what it's like to see?
"Yes, yes Quail," Ice smiled deeply, "Where have you two been?"
"Oh ho, Only you would want to know, that is my business hmm?"
"Of course."
"Now curly whiskers, whats the report?" Zero purred fondly of his half-brother.
Quail grinned, white teeth and curly whiskers twitching.
"haha, all dead, the lot of them down in the barn, All because of their insolence."
Eyesoar's eyes closed at his excited tone. It wasn't worth it.

"Our brother died," Zero told Quail, watching his expressions.
"pity, " Quail shrugged smiling fully, Watching Eyesoar with a deep fondness.
Zero went quiet for a moment.

General: Bender, Twitcher, Manson and Akaila, sat under the willow tree not far away chatting as Defenseless, now named Honey, joined them.
By her were four young toms: Sylix, Nox, Mistra and Thlayli, her youngest sons, all four moons old.
"Haven't they grown so tall," Commented Akaila genuinely.
"Very," purred Honey tenderly, "My treacherous sister will be so proud when she sees them."
"You and your s-s-sister complex," Twitcher joked, though somewhat seriously.
"Mother, has a right," Sylix a black furred brother spoke up, "from what I heard."
"I'll kill your sister," Nox, black and white brother mewed, "For you."
"We too shall use our lives to kill her," Thlayli a white and blue and Mistra a white furred brother added.
Honey chuckled darkly, "My dear boys, Your targets are the children of my sister, Leave my sister to me and your father."
The three brothers grinned.
Akaila nodded, "I see why he's fond of them."
"Oh yes, pleasing hmm?"
"When will we meet the children of Joyless?" Nox asked excitedly, flexing his tiny claws.
"Don't worry," Honey cooed, "You'll meet your half-brothers soon."

HAHA! Didn't expect that did you? for those who still care, you may have deduced a conclusion to who the father of Joyless' litter is by now, Still confused? You may want to go back to Redhills and review a few chapters for the guy who had a fetish for a she-cat called Honey. If you know don't post it, You'll wreck the fun! Please join in if you have a Mudblood, Ezzie? NK?

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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The Inglorious Mudbloods Empty Re: The Inglorious Mudbloods

Post by Ezziestar Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:22 pm

Stormclaw flexed his sharp claws. His left paw still stained with blood from his first enemy. He had a longing for a mate and kits, but knew that there was none who had caught his heart like Ezziesong. But she never LOVED you! Hissed the voice that lead him to all this problem. She has STONE.

Stormclaw clenched his teeth, tears forming in frustration, he felt upset at himself since he didn't have any kits of his own. The conversation about Joyless' kits sent frustration leaping through his body. He got up and stalked to the other end, where the warriors den used to be. He slupmed down in the shadows, his clear green eyes burned in the shade.

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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The Inglorious Mudbloods Empty Re: The Inglorious Mudbloods

Post by Loki Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:29 pm

Moanfang looked as if a bee hive had been shoved up... well, never-mind; the calico tom looked extremely discomforted.
He looked around himself and decided to join Successor Stormclaw, "Successor," He bowed warily.


Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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The Inglorious Mudbloods Empty Re: The Inglorious Mudbloods

Post by Ezziestar Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:00 pm

Stormclaw noddedat the other tom. He was still trying to remember the names of all.the cats in the mudblood group.

((Soz its so short, ill fix it up in the morning... i have to go to bed.))

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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