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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:41 am

Thunder followed, his amber eyes showing curiosity.


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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Meany Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:26 pm

Robinsong made sure they were side by side when she began to speak.
"I was born in a Clan... Hmm - my father was Clan leader, strong and brave. My mother was like him, too... Then she died." She flicked her tail dismissively. "I didn't know her for very long. I have - or maybe had, it's been a while - a littermate. Somewhat of a silvertongue, kept getting his way. But I was always Father's favorite. I stood by him, whatever he did, even if half of the Clan turned traitor and fled far, far away..." She sighed. "Father sought to control more territory -sought to intimidate the strongest," she spoke the word bitterly, "Leader in all the territories. Shadowstar, leader of dread Abyssclan..."
She smirked. "I helped Father - I poisoned Shadowstar, gave him greencough. It looked like Father would have an ally - but Abyssclan is cruel. They would help, yes, but they would be the masters... I... don't know whatever happened to the plan... Abyssclan stopped calling so Father looked for different allies..."
Robinsong flicked her tail towards the towering mountains. "They came from that way. The flesh-eaters. Cannibals. They promised to help, Father promised to share. The day came for us to attack - but then the lost half of our Clan came back that very day..." Her voice had a tinge of wonder. "Father's deputy - the deputy is second to the leader in every Clan, set to become leader next - but Father's deputy had somehow become leader while he was away! Now how did he do that?..." She looked at the tom for a few long seconds, as though she thought he may know. Robinsong took her cold gaze off of him and continued, "All up to the nines - leaders get nine lives. Die once, live again eight more times..." Her eyes narrowed. "And he had cats we thought had been lost with him, too - well, Father wasn't having it... He set Clanmates against traitorous Clanmates, then Allies against them too. Then the Allies turned on him," she was snarling now, claws unsheathing as she walked.
"They killed him - but not quite. He stood and killed the one who dealt him his death then died."
Her voice went to somewhat of a squeak. It was obvious that the memory still affected her. "Dead, then - the deputy-that-was-leader took the traitors and the Clanmates and turned them against the Allies. Clan won. Allies lost... I lost..." She looked at Thunder. "I am Robinsong - here I am."
She shrugged as though her entire story was a mere trifle. "Do you have a name?"

OOC: This all actually happened about six months ago. It was fun.
LS's Group
LS's Group

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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:30 pm

"My name is Thunder."Thunder meowed.


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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Meany Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:37 pm

OOC: Here's a tip - we try to avoid one-liners here.

IC: Robinsong nodded to him, smirking. "It's funny - Darkclanners are taught to avoid outsiders... but then, I am an outsider now, aren't I." Most of the conversation seemed to be inside of her head. "Where do you usually stay," she asked Thunder.
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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:46 pm

Thunder looked at her."Stay? I usually stay over there. By the rock I was circling. There's a small cave behind the rock. Not that I like it there, it's just a place to stay I guess. Where do you stay?" He meowed.


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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Meany Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:40 am

"Oh," Robinsong shrugged, "here, there - everywhere... I once stayed with a small group of cats from far, far away," she dismissively gestured towards the Mountains of Dusk, the mountain range that headed east alongside the Mountains of Indigo.
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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:08 pm

Thunder looked at her."Oh. Are you used to the snow and cold?" He asked. He looked around and shivered. " I hate the cold."He mumbled.


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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Meany Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:43 am

Robinsong cocked her head, a suspicious look in her eyes. "Then why would you nest here?" The look of suspicion was suddenly gone and she was mewing, "Oh, everyone in Darkclan is used to the snow... we're made short of length to keep warmth in and our paws are large and nimble to tread the harsh mountain paths... but there aren't many real paths in this forest..." There was sadness in her voice, homesickness accenting it as she looked around at the frosted trees.
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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:22 am

Thunder did not reply. He looked around and started to circle the rock he circled earlier. He looked at the sky and watched birds fly by.


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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Meany Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:31 am

The she-cat stopped to look at what he was looking at.
"Well," she mewed softly. Robinsong seemed a bit taken with the sight of the birds against the clouds. Quietly, she mewed, "Did you see the smoke coming from the lower territories earlier today?"
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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Guest Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:22 pm

Thunder stopped circling the rock and looked at Robinsong. He nodded. "I think I did but I'm exactly sure if I did."He meowed. He continued to circle the rock.


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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Meany Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:31 am

Robinsong clawed the ground nervously. "It's been dry there. But not that dry..." She lay down in the snow, rolling onto her back and batting the air. "Why would a fire just start...?" She looked at Thunder - he looked upside down to her. "Don't you ever wonder what cats outside of your life are doing?" It was apparent to Robinsong that Thunder was very much a loner.
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LS's Group

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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Meany Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:45 am

Thunder shrugged. "It's never been that important to me."
Robinsong was surprised and dismayed at how little this tom seemed to care about everything else. Robinsong cared about most things - where she would hunt, how, what was going on in other places, how it would affect her, what would happen tomorrow. But this tom seemed...Hmm. She couldn't find the word for it.
She hadn't been exactly fair with this Thunder, anyways. "I don't know mother's really dead," she meowed, changing the subject.
Thunder's black ears pricked up. "What?"
"I said she was dead. I'm actually not sure." She shrugged. Thunder looked a little confused but didn't ask.
This also surprised Robinsong. She'd been sure he would have cared to ask more.
Actually, Thunder didn't care care at all. Sure, this new she-cat was sort of interesting to him, but he typically kept to himself and let others keep to themselves. That's just who he was.
The uncaring nature of the tom interested and frustrated the ex-DarkClan she-cat. Here was the first cat she'd seen in ages, and he didn't care. She'd told him what had happened to her, and he still didn't care. She'd even mentioned Blueblossom, and he STILL didn't care.
Okay, she thought. Huh.
Thunder shrugged and looked up at the sky. It was getting more cloudy, and a chilly wind made him shiver.
Robinsong frowned. "Why do you live here again?"
Thunder looked at her. "I didn't say." He fell silent, which annoyed the she-cat. Hmp.
"Right. You didn't." She fell silent. She was a listener by heart, though she was now experienced in being a speaker, and turning others into listeners. But turning others into speakers wasn't the same.
The blue-eyed she-cat missed Jaycall. He would be speaking at this point, and hearing her own voice all of the time was agony. She'd never really liked it anyways.
"Okay..." Her ears swiveled suddenly at the sound of something scuttling nearby. She dropped smoothly into the hunter's crouch, lightly did a bouncy stalk towards it, and prepared to jump.
A snow bird - there it was, stupidly not noticing the cats. She paused, and - GOT IT! Robinsong killed it cleanly and returned proudly with it.
Thunder nodded curtly. It had been a good catch.
Robinsong frowned past the bird. He still didn't seem to care! She dropped it in front of him, tail flicking in annoyance. She'd catch another one. Maybe he'd talk then.
Thunder looked at the snow bird, his amber eyes gleaming in the fading light. It was a nice bird - but did she think he couldn't hunt for himself? Please. He was more than insulted by the thought.

OOC: To be continued...
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LS's Group

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CLOSED Moseying in Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Moseying in Mountains

Post by Meany Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:31 am

Robinsong saw the angered look on Thunder's face and thought twice about hunting for him. She found that she was getting a little bored with the tom - even though he'd been the first cat she'd seen in moon-shifts - and decided to leave.
Maybe she'd come back another day.
Not tomorrow. Or the day after that.
Maybe the next.
Thunder had turned to look at something and then looked back at the brown she-cat - Song maybe - but she had vanished.
And she'd taken the snow bird with her.

Thunder scowled. Okay, he would have eaten it anyways. He had begun to subconsciously think that he wouldn't have to worry about hunting tonight. Thunder also knew he shouldn't be angry at the she-cat. She'd sort of offered, he'd sort refused. Right.
The black tom sighed heavily.

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