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The Questers, Mudblood, and MoonClan, and Others, Explained

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The Questers, Mudblood, and MoonClan, and Others, Explained Empty The Questers, Mudblood, and MoonClan, and Others, Explained

Post by Longstorm Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:21 am

EDIT - In short:

Before AbyssClan came to the forest, there was Moonclan, Dewclan, Tawnyclan and Darkclan.
AbyssClan came and chased away MoonClan to take their territory.

Thirty years later, AbyssClan cast out one of their own, a tom named Falsecall.
Falsecall was angered enough for him to start up a massive army called MudbloodClan.
MudbloodClan settled in the red hills which is behind DewClan territory.
Daystar, leader of Dewclan got into an allegiance with MudbloodClan.
Meanwhile, a secret prophecy was sent out for to many cats of all Clan (cats called The Questers) to bring back MoonClan since they are somehow supposed to be able to prevent some horrible event.

If you want some insane detail and backstory, look below.


The Prophecy:

Across the mountains of darkness lies the fallen moon.

Return it to it's home to save all that you hold true.

Unite or die, was the command long ago. But deny this unity and all will fall to the unknown

Above, Below, Stars and Darkness, Field of Unending;

Beware of the traitors, and those made of surrendering.

Bring no more than the perfect unity, or the Koud Grondgebied will be found burning.

Find the stone in it's shattered parts There you'll find those that share the same heart.

Heed our words, or die. Tell not a soul, or perish. Leave. Now.

The Forest Fires:

On the night of the Bloodmoon, shortly after the Gathering, MudBloodClan, a Clan many times larger than all of the Clans combined, attacked the Forest Clans.
With burning sticks in their jaws, they managed to drive TawnyClan, SearClan, and CoreClan from their territories, burning their homes to the ground.

Now, TawnyClan is left wandering in AbyssClan's lowlands and SearClan and CoreClan have formed an alliance with RoseClan.

In DewClan, Daystar had formed an alliance with MudBlood.

In DarkClan, they fought back against MudBlood.

In AbyssClan, they ignored the efforts driven by a Warrior they had long since cast out.


Twenty-some cats received a prophecy some two months ago. They were from every Clan (barring RoseClan, CoreClan, and SearClan, as they were the only Pseudos at the time), of every religion, every upbringing.
They all eventually met near the AbyssClan border, after the Clan Cats came to the conclusion that the dream did not mean the Moonfall, but instead was a reference to an old legend a DewClan she-cat's mother once told her about AbyssClan.
Upon teaming up, the mass of cats headed towards the 'mountains of darkness' (DarkClan's mountains) and preceded to make the treacherous journey - with kits, elders, and expecting queens, no less!

Some time later, now, the great group has been split into four. One group has discovered that the fallen moon actually meant MoonClan, the lost Clan. They are now attempting to return them to the main territories.
Another group has found solace in hiding in DarkClan's territory - they are unknowingly protecting the future of DewClan in the form of kits.
Another group has discovered a future threat to the Clan - The Dwellers.
The final group is hiding in the Frost Forests, unknowingly sheltering the future of the Clans (many kits) and quarantining the Clans from their sickness. The Clans cannot afford to be sick now.

Now, the battle again Mudblood only days away, we can only pray for the return of our Questers.

Click this spoiler to learn about MudBloodClan

Click this spoiler to read about the DarkClan Rebellion


Click this spoiler to read about the AbyssClan Revolution


Click this spoiler to read about every leg of the Quester's Journey. (WIP)

Click this spoiler to read detailed Character Overviews of each and every cat in the Questers (incomplete)

Click this spoiler to learn about MoonClan


Click this spoiler to learn about The Dwellers

Click this spoiler to learn about The Tribes (incomplete)
LS's Group
LS's Group

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Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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