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Iceheart's Revenge.

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Think I should make a sequel?

Iceheart's Revenge. Vote_lcap33%Iceheart's Revenge. Vote_rcap 33% 
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Iceheart's Revenge. Empty Iceheart's Revenge.

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:14 am

Iceheart's Revenge

Revenge. It was the only thing keeping Iceheart alive. Everything he lived for- his kits and family, maybe even his mate- all killed by some rogue. He had said his name was Steelpelt. Well, he had made one fatal mistake: He had been allowed to live. So now, he was standing in the middle of his late family's makeshift camp. Looking around, he saw the devastation the rogue, Steelpelt, had caused. The den he had shared with his mate, Angelsong, was missing a wall. His parent's den was flattened. The fresh-kill stores were completely raided, and nothing remained. His only thing left was a glimmer of hope that Angelsong was still alive. Padding out of the camp, Iceheart realized the extent of his injuries. His right foreleg had sustained a deep gash, his was torn, and he had several scratches from trying to defend his family. Steelpelt had somehow managed to knock him out with a vicious hit to his head. Feeling warm liquid drip down his cheek, he realized he must have been clawed quite viciously. He would have to find cobwebs soon. Pausing to lick his various wounds, Iceheart pricked his ears, listening for any sound that might be his mate. Then he heard it. A small squeak, barely audible to even his acute ears. Hearing the squeak again filled him with a new surge of hope, and he sprang up, racing to the source of the sound at breakneck speed, slightly hampered by his wounds. What he found filled him with dread. Angelsong was laying in a puddle of blood, her beautiful calico pelt stained with blood. Racing into action, he found some cobwebs, marigold, and poppy seeds. Quickly chewing up the marigold, he put the resulting poultice on her major wound, a gash on her flank, a deep bite on her neck, and a slashed leg. The poultice woke Angelsong slightly more, and seeing Iceheart, she purred weakly. "I knew you would find me...." Iceheart nodded, and carefully put the cobwebs on her wounds. He gently pushed her a poppy seed, and after she chewed it up, he gently lifted her onto his shoulders. Have to hurry. She'll be out of it soon. Iceheart thought, and began picking up the pace. He arrived at a massive oak, with a space underneath big enough for their whole family. At least, if they were alive.... Iceheart shook off the thought. One thing at a time. Gathering up dry moss from the trunk, he quickly made a nest big enough for the both of them, and put it in the space underneath the giant tree. He placed Angelsong inside the nest, and lay down next to her, purring slightly. Angelsong looked over at him, and licked between her mate's ears. Iceheart smiled weakly, then twined his tail in hers, brown tabby fur meeting white calico. Within seconds, the duo was deep asleep. Angelsong and Iceheart dreamed the same thing: The rogue's assault on the camp. Iceheart snapped awake, only to find a pretty red tabby sitting over him, apparently waiting him to awake. Iceheart found he could stand, and he did so, looking around for his mate. "Who are you? What have you done with my Angelsong?!?" Fire flashed in his eyes, and the she-cat actually stepped back before she realized she was in control here. "I am Firesong. The former medicine cat of Thunderclan... At least, before it collapsed. During the journey, I was made the be the medicine cat." Iceheart shook his head, and mewed, "The last one... The last Thunderclan medicine cat to be Thunderclan itself?" Firesong nodded. "Yes. And I am also your great- grandmother." Iceheart's eyes widened, and he shook his head. When she did not receive an answer, she continued. "Steelpelt is directly descended from Goldclaw, one of the seven cats to leave the clans during the journey. He possesses great power. But Ice and his Angel will defeat him, and his followers." When she finished her sentence, Iceheart was filled by a lightness, and a surge of power. He looked down and saw his paws glowing, almost appearing to be on fire. "Now wake up, my warrior." Iceheart snapped awake once more, and saw Angelsong panting heavily, laying down next to him. He examined himself, and saw that his wounds of the previous day were gone. Looking over Angelsong, he saw her wounds had also miraculously healed. Angelsong looked over at him, and pressed herself to his pelt, purring. "Thank Starclan that's over." She purred gently. Iceheart smiled warmly, and bent down to lick between her ears. Purring gently, Angelsong felt Iceheart's gentle tongue on her head, and she turned to start sharing tongues with him. Eventually, they both got caught up in the moment, and Angelsong pressed herself to Iceheart's stomach. Offering her scruff to Iceheart, he took it, and gently mounted his mate, purring.... Next thing he knew, Iceheart was laying next to Angelsong, purring loudly, while she licked his chest fur, also purring loudly. "I love you." Iceheart purred gently, and Angelsong nodded her agreement. A snide voice came from outside; "I hate to ruin the moment, but I believe we have unfinished business." Iceheart growled, and mewed to Angelsong, "Stay here. I'll handle this." Walking outside, He remembered Firesong's words. And she had been right. Steelpelt was there, along with about ten other cats. Steelpelt laughed, a rough, harsh sound. "So you're going to fight all of us alone? Fool." Steelpelt had barely finished his sentence when he flung himself at Iceheart. Iceheart deftly dodged, and lunged in himself to land a few quick claws on Steelpelt. Pulling himself away from Iceheart's deadly claws, he hissed. Bleeding from scratches along his muzzle, Steelpelt flicked his tail, and two of the other rogues steeped forward. Lunging in tandem at Iceheart, he acted with swiftness he never knew he had. Iceheart jumped above one of the rogues, and landed on the other's back, effectively pinning him to the ground. When the stunned tom recovered, he saw Steelpelt flying at him with lightning quickness. Then, out of nowhere, Angelsong knocked Steelpelt clear across the clearing and into a tree. Iceheart nodded, and after that, it was a whirl of claws and teeth. When the dust settled, Angelsong, Steelpelt, And Iceheart were the only ones still able to fight. Iceheart looked over at Angelsong, and saw that she wasn't going to last any longer. "Rest. I'll handle him." Angelsong nodded, and mewed, "Good luck." Iceheart and Steelpelt turned to face each other, Iceheart's frosty blue eyes meeting Steelpelt's cold grey stare. "We finish this now." Iceheart hissed. "Agreed." Came Steelpelt's steady mew, and the two cats sized each other up once more, as the dirt and dust swirled around them, as if making the grounds for the fight. As if on cue, the two toms leaped at each other, covering an ungodly amount of ground in a matter of seconds. When the cats met, all the power they each had was put into the fight. Iceheart may not have been as strong, but he was quick. Neither of the cats gave ground, until Steelpelt slipped up, letting his gad down while he was moving in for a massive hit. Iceheart lunged in, and headbutted Steelpelt onto his back. Leaping onto his stomach, Iceheart plunged his teeth into the screeching tom's neck. The foul taste of blood drove Iceheart to bite deeper, and when he released his grip, Steelpelt didn't move. He lay motionless in a puddle of his own blood, and he wasn't breathing. Eventually, Iceheart felt the effect of his own wounds, and he stumbled over to the den, passing out in the nest next to Angelsong. She purred, and began grooming his matted fur. "I knew there was such thing as a happy ending..." Angelsong whispered to her mate, who had almost laid down his own life to avenge his family and protect her. "There is such thing...."

Last edited by Unforgiven on Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:46 pm; edited 5 times in total


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Iceheart's Revenge. Empty Re: Iceheart's Revenge.

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:21 pm

4 words





You're a very good writer.


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