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MoonClan Leaving

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MoonClan Leaving Empty MoonClan Leaving

Post by Meany Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:13 am

Sunclaw the deputy of Moonclan was ready to leave Tawnyclan camp. They had been living with Tawnyclan for the past two months getting used the new the territory they were living in.
In that time Moonclan had been working on learning all they could about the other clans from the Tawnyclan warriors. Even though they had been doing that though, none of the Moonclan warriors had gotten close to any of the Tawnyclan warriors.
And Sunclaw hadn't either. She was the deputy and there was no leader so she was doing her best. She felt weird since she hadn't been able to get her nine lives but the cats of Moonclan supported her. That made her feel better.
"It's time for us to go," said Sunclaw to her warriors. In Moonclan there was herself, her warriors, the two apprentices, the medicine cat, and Spottedleaf's kits. In all there were twenty of them. And all of them together needed to find a new home.

OOC; idk but I think they already know where they're going to go. maybe they went out looking at the territoies with the Tawnyclan cats and decided they liked the Red Hills.
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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Longstorm Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:03 am

OOC: Bump?
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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Ezziestar Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:07 am

((Sorry about that, exams have just finished so I got to come back. XD))

Ezziestar whom was around the warrior den, picked up on the movements from Moonclan as they were preparing to leave. She left the warrior den, heading towards Moonclan, however not going too close.
They've been with us for the past two moons... I hope they'll be fine to settle with their own boundaries...

Ezziestar didn't stare, she had no reason to be keeping an exceptionally close eye on the other clan. She spoke to Sunclaw, whom Ezziestar recognised to be the one responsible for the clan at this time, "Would your clan require an escort to our border? Or will you be fine on your own?"

She remained calm and relaxed, however not too entirely, as she had to remind herself that they are their own clan. She had no intention of indicating that Moonclan couldn't defend themselves, she just didn't want to come across as pushy.

Stonepaw looked on from the entrance of the apprentice den, curious as to what the decisions are for this clan.

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Age : 29
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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Loki Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:06 pm

Swift wind had just been giving some orders when he heard Ezziestar's offer. His mouth snapped short and he turned lightly to see Sunclaw draw nearer to Ezziestar.
"You were saying?" Leopardstorm prompted him him impatiently.

"The hunting patrol will escort them out, Ezziestar." He said loudly. He hopped down the branches of the Tawneyclan tree and He trotted over, tail low but not completely unfriendly. Standing now by Ezziestar and hearing a few Tawney warriors creep down the branhes he glanced coolly at Sunclaw who held his gaze evenly.
"They'll take you up to our border and see you're safely out."

Ear twitching in mild amusement, Sunclaw purrs, "you think we're decieving you? That we're going to wonder around?"
"I didn't say that," Swiftwind hummed back lowly, "though, it's not the first time a clan has bedded another, and look how that turned out."

(OOC: I'll RP Moonclan leaving as I don't know if Meany will return))

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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Ezziestar Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:08 pm

((Thank you for responding. XD After re-reading what I posted, I realised how naive Ezziestar actually was, since any normal leader would give escorts to the border. XP I'll put it down to her inexperience.))

Ezziestar was awaiting Sunclaw's response when she heard Swiftwind's voice call out as he approached her and Sunclaw. She backed up slowly as she listened to the exchange between Swiftwind and Sunclaw. Remaining silent, she realised her mistake rather quickly.

I guess I shouldn't have given them a choice? Feeling slightly hot under her fur, Ezziestar decided it was best not to say anything straight away, not until she thought things through somewhat. Then she finally spoke quietly, "Swiftwind is right, maybe it is best if we escort your clan to the border. Maybe that way we can know that you get there safely?"

Her voice despite being quiet, her voice had a hint of anxiety. She still didn't entirely trust Moonclan, however after everything her clan went through, and trying to resettle, and the events that occurred through the Mudblood battle. Her whole body felt tense. The events were still fresh in her mind as she believed the same went for the rest of Tawnyclan.

She still felt somewhat inadequate to being the leader of Tawnyclan. There was still so much I wish I could've learned from Lokistar... what would she have done in this situation? Did she ever have doubts of being leader?

Ezziestar awaited quietly for Sunclaw's response.

From a distance Stonepaw picked up a sense of uneasiness from Ezziestar. He had no idea her thoughts or doubts, he slowly made his way towards the discussion, stretching as he got to his paws.

((Sorry if it's not much. DX I tried.))

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Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Loki Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:07 pm

Absolute amusement puddled over Sunlaw's face as she looked between the Tawneyclan deputy and the leader.

Swiftwind was trying his absolute best not to look to Ezziestar, to see if he'd irritated her. He couldn't let this slide, this was about control and this was Tawneylan territory, these were his guests. They can't just walts around! They can't be let to do that!
Darkly he thought, Tawneyclan will not be like the old stories of the soft Thunderclan. It wont be trodden on!
Leopardstorm came forward, "I'm leading this patrol, I'll happily cross you out."

Sunclaw waited for a moment before saying, "I want to go through Dewclan, we're heading back that way to the red hills."
"Th-thats where Mudbloodclan were," Mosspaw piped up.
"Were... yes," Sunclaw nodded and decided to offer information generously, "That's where I'll be taking Moonclan, it seems the most suitable place."

Leopardstorm frowned softly and the haunted growl of Sinewpaw came from behind Sunclaw, "You'll want to travel slightly toward the mountains, not directly at them but toward that way when you pass the moonfalls. Go through that valley, it's the border between Darkclan and Dewclan."
"Wouldn't it be faster to go on the otherside of Dewclan territory? It's a straight line then?" a Moonclan cat queried, Moonclan had a decent understanding of the territories, especially after their little journey here.
"No one's seen or scented the Abyssclanners for a while, so we can only assume they've moved in deeper..." at confused glances Leopardstorm shrugged, "before Tigerflame joined Starclan.. he... he said that the Abyssclan camp flooded a lot."
No one asked any questions so Leopardstorm hurridly continued, "well I assume they may have moved away, somewhere it doesn't rain so heavily."
Sunclaw nodded and then said to Ezziestar challengingly, "I appreciate the offer of an escort, but really, I think Moonclan can follow those instuctions easily enough."

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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Ezziestar Fri Sep 16, 2016 5:59 am

At this point Ezziestar stood up a little straighter, "Would it be too much trouble to send a escort? That way we can also keep an eye out for potential intruders?" Deep down she was trying to find a way to persuade Sunclaw.

She felt grateful that Swiftwind was as insistent as he was. Otherwise there may be no guarantee that the clan could support my leadership. She sighed inwardly at her own thoughts. She began to wonder if any Mudblood cats still resided in or near Red Hills.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
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Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Loki Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:32 am

"Leopardstorm and her patrol will show you out," Swiftwind said coolly.

Sunclaw shrugged, she wasn't going to push this issue, in fact it wasn't an issue. They'd stayed with the generous Tawneyclan for two moons now and Sunclaw felt, if she wanted, that they could have taken over Tawneyclan quite easily. The destruction of the forest had been a devastating blow and there was so little prey.

They had resorted to crossing borders and hunting in the noclan's land by the Moonfalls. As a result certain cats looked thin and weary.

This land would not sustain them, and Sunclaw felt, looking at the reddening leaves of the living trees, that the coming leaf bare was going to be utterly miserable in this forest.

She nodded at her thoughts and looked to Leopardstorm who stood with Honeyfang and Mosspaw and turned, "Show the way then."

A few cats exchanged goodbyes, ones that had grown mildly fond of each other before Leopardstorm and Moonclan disapeared.

Swiftwind watched after them nervously before saying lowly, "I'm going to take out a hunting patrol."

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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Ezziestar Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:10 pm

Ezziestar watched as Moonclan left, she sighed inwardly, and her ears twitched as she picked up on Swiftwind's voice talking about the hunting patrol. I'm sorry Swiftwind... I'm not as great a leader as I hoped I could be... She turned away and began to slowly pace the camp. She wanted to patrol the border, however she wasn't sure if it was wise to leave the camp. I'll have to wait until the others get back.

((I seriously have no clue what a leader does. XD Isn't that sad? I'm trying though.))

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Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Loki Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:36 pm

((OOC: No one does, you can do what you want, this could be a good arc on Ezzie learning. TBF Lokistar did throw her into the deep end, she was a young kitty.)

Swiftwind called over to Stone, Sinewpaw and Mosspaw.
"I'm thinking, we head toward the no lands," he said to them.
The fires had not spread over there so badly.

(OOC:did we re-do who was supposed to be their new mentors, I can't remember)

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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Ezziestar Tue Sep 20, 2016 1:18 pm

((XD ok then. haha))

Stonepaw's ears twitched when he heard Swiftwind call him over. Stonepaw quickly made his way over to listen to what instructions the deputy had for him, Sinewpaw and Mosspaw.
His eyes widened when Swiftwind mentioned going to No Lands. He was excited to be able to join on the patrol.

Ezziestar was still going around the camp slowly, she paused to look towards Swiftwind, Stonepaw, Sinewpaw and Mosspaw. She knew she'd have to think about holding a clan meeting for the re-assigning of mentors for the apprentices. She didn't feel ready for it yet, she decided to wait for after the patrols returned.

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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Loki Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:13 pm

"It could be a while, quite a long walk so I don't think there's point in getting Solarstorm up for it," for this he was directing toward Stonepaw. Stonepaw's mentor, Solarstorm, seemed to age incredibly within the two moons after the red battle. No one was quite sure whether the loss of his sister Lokistar had caused this or the added move from what he'd known all his life to this new and very different Tawneyclan camp.

Mosspaw had told the deputy that a training session between Stonepaw and her had ended with the old Tom's hindlegs failing and he'd refused to see Pantherleap afterward.

"I'll deal with you three," Swiftwind summarised thoughtfully, "we can walk that short journey, then we'll see how you fight tired and on hungry stomachs."
He turned away and belted across the opening without a word of warning.

Mosspaw gasped and charged after him. Sinewpaw starting after them also.

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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Ezziestar Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:14 pm

Stonepaw, whom initially had his head and tail held high, had now drooped somewhat. "Y-yeah. That's ok." He responded quietly. He understood the reasoning behind what Swiftwind was saying, and he knew he had no reason to argue with the deputy's decision. However he did feel disheartened by the whole thing.

When Swiftwind took off, Stonepaw quickly jolted to full alertness as he raced off after the others.

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Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Loki Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:38 pm

The breeze picked up and a low hum called out through the two conjoined trees that made out the Tawneyclan camp.

OOC: ill make a new topic for this if you'd like?

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MoonClan Leaving Empty Re: MoonClan Leaving

Post by Ezziestar Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:23 am

((Yes please. Smile ))

Ezziestar sighed as she paused, feeling the breeze pass through her whiskers. The cool ((or warm? Wait... which season is the rp in currently?)) air Ezziestar welcomed calmly. She closed her eyes as her nerves began to relax. For a brief moment she felt as if she couldn't remember where she was. Her eyes opened slowly again and reality began to make its way back into her senses.

She decided to head to her den. If anyone needs me I can be there until the patrols return. She began to slowly make her way there, preparing herself to plan on what needed to be done about the apprentices without mentors.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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