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Clan Reports  Empty Clan Reports

Post by Longstorm Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:27 am


Ezziestar on TawnyClan:

Clan character:
TawnyClanners are best known for being long-legged and skinny with pointed faces. Their pelts are usually foresty colors, and are known for being agile tree climbers and fast runners.


Hunting Skills:

Basic History
TawnyClan is one of the four original Clans to be formed when the Unified Clan broke off into four nearly a century ago.
TawnyClan was started by a thin, tall she-cat with tawny eyes, named Tawnystar.
TawnyClan has a history of giving their members unusual names (i.e. Lokistar, Ezziesong, Sinewpaw.)

TawnyClan Territory
TawnyClan lives in a twisted forest on the North side of the river. The undergrowth is thick and the trees (pine and oak) grow in such a twisted, tight fashion that they make ideal pathways and cover.


Daystar on DewClan

I built this Clan. Through my hardships, through my experiences, through all I have been taught, I have been able to pull together the tatters of this near-forgotten Clan. Others have tried to keep me down but I've never let them - I'm proud to say that DewClan is the exact same way. No one can stop DewClanners when they have made a choice. DewClan makes all of the hard choices, and we are proud to say that we always follow through, and we always stick to what we believe in.
People said I was crazy for having a territory be half marsh. But they're just too scared of getting mud on their pelts to even think of doing the same. My warriors can slink through the marsh-water as gracefully as a cat of RiverClan past. We stalk through mud, reeds, and water - no other Clan can do as we do because no other Clan is willing to even try!

We are adaptive. We are belief. We are courage.

We are DewClan.

Clan character:
Originally, DewClan was fully comprised of sleek gray cats with small webbed paws. Out of all of the Clans, DewClan's pelts were the best-kept (though, most of it was due to their diets.)
Having been previously disbanded for a time then recently reformed, DewClan has added some rogue elements to their bloodline, as well as a bit of TawnyClan. Although some of their pelts still shine, there is more variety to size and color.

Frogs, leeches, fish, birds.

Hunting Skills:

Basic History
DewClan is one of the original four Clans to be formed after the Unified Clan broke into four.
DewClan was started by a beautiful silky-furred she-cat named Dewstar.
DewClan has the most ancestry in RiverClan.
DewClan was once disbanded (reasons unknown) but was reinstated by a rogue/TawnyClanner named Dayriser.
In the past, they were rightly accused by TawnyClan for swimming in TawnyClan's river.

DewClan Territory
DewClan moved back into their original territory (or, as close to it as they could). Their territory is of dual terrain; their camp is in a forest that shines gold in the dew; they hunt in the vast marshes just outside.


Thornstar on DarkClan

We're a Clan built for hardship. We live up in the mountains where the air gets thinner and colder the further you go up, and where thick, "comforting" undergrowth is replaced by naked ground and tall, large-boughed pines, with only the occasional rock and patch of tall, brittle grass for cover.
I'm Thornstar - I'm also dead, but that's never stopped me. And nothing will ever stop DarkClan.
We are force. We are endurance. We are DarkClan.

Clan character:
Living in open territory makes DarkClan one the most cautious - and often paranoid -  Clan in the territories. They dislike being in areas where sound doesn't carry easily and the sky is concealed by trees and bushes.

Birds, weasels, squirrels, rabbits.

Hunting Skills: Strong legs and shoulders allow DarkClan cats to crouch in wait for hours atop boulders and ledges.

Clan Attitude
Paranoid. DarkClan has had to fight for their territory before against neighboring Clans in the past. After this occurred on multiple occasions, DarkClan shut themselves away, moving further up into the mountains and even ignoring kits on the other side of their borders.
Inside of their Clan they are loving and nurturing; "Cold paws, warm hearts."

Basic History
DarkClan is one of the original four Clans to be formed after the Unified Clan broke into four.
DarkClan was started by a stocky dark grey she-cat named Darkstar.
It's said one part of DarkClan's significant ancestry is Mousestar of ThunderClan and her descendants.

DarkClan Territory
DarkClan used to live at the base of the Dark Mountains back in the old days. What their camp was like then is unknown.
Now DarkClan resides far up in the mountains. Their territory has many thin mountains paths that are covered with snow most days, and are surrounded by pine trees.


Sunclaw on MoonClan:

We are a resilient Clan. Though DarkClan may reside in the mountains as we have, no Clan has ever braved living atop a mountain. We have. MoonClan is the epitome of skill and intelligence and perseverance.
We are survivors. When the snow and rubble of an avalanche is cleared away, MoonClan is what's left even when everyone else has been smothered, watching as the cold moon watches from the mother-sky.

We are intelligence. We are faith. We are the watchers.

We are MoonClan.

Clan character:
MoonClan cats are small with flat paws and pale, thick, most likely tangled, fur. The only contrast to this appearance is their strange dark eyes. Sometimes there are cats who have dark fur, but this isn't strange.

Prey: Birds, insects, snow hares.

Hunting Skills:

Clan Attitude
MoonClan is a Clan of quiet and solace. They have been through many hardships, and have since learned from their mistakes and have become a better Clan for it.
While they may seem distant and dreamy to others, MoonClan warriors are sharp-minded and well-spoken.

Basic History
MoonClan is one of the original four Clans to be formed after the Unified Clan broke into four.
MoonClan was started by a small, tangle-furred tom named Moonstar.
MoonClan was driven out of the Clan Territories decades back before being returned by a group of Questing Cats.

MoonClan Territory
MoonClan once resided on the shadowy hilltop in the East, the territory closest to the two-leg City.
After being driven out, MoonClan found a new home


Spike on SearClan
This is SearClan we are by far the greatest Clan along with our two allies, CoreClan and RoseClan. As we feel that all there is, is war. Though many Clans may have their speed we use our power and ability to see in dark places to spill enemies blood. The ash is our home we will to survive and thrive and will stop at nothing see the world burn and scream,  just as it was done to our home!

Clan Character:


Hunting Skills:

Clan Attitude:

Basic History:

SearClan Territory:
LS's Group
LS's Group

Posts : 2320
Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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