The Outcast Warriors RPG
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Arador||rogue Empty Arador||rogue

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:05 am

Name: What's your cat's name? Arador
Age: how old is your cat? Months are Moons, a season is 4 months - i.e., you could put, 'My cat is four winters' that means your cat was born in the winter and is 4 years old. 6 autumns
Gender: tom or she-cat? tom

Alliance: Who is your cat loyal to? Clan, tribe, pack - are you a loner or kittypet? Rogue

Rank: What's their rank? Note, to be in a position of leadership, you must ask the Admin.
If you are a Loner or Kittypet you just put that.


Arador||rogue Angry_Cat146


Angry and vicious, but frightfully clever and strategic, Arador has a bit of a split personality. About half the time he is a charismatic leader and fair to his cats-though he enforces his law with blood-and he is well-loved by his 'tribe'. The rest of the time he is possibly insane and murderous, which makes enemies fear him immensely. And a tiny part of him, usually present in the edge of the night, cries for something he never tells anyone about.


He was one of the first cats in suns game-tribe, and he had a small group of followers that were his closest friends. He was immensly jealous of her position as leader and her friends, and he gathered his little cult around him. This game had progressed being just that, a game, and it was deadly serious for him. Sun was well-known and loved, fair and kind, and her group loved her. His little group grew in strength, secretly. He was alright then, it seems, but when his family cast him and his sister out he just snapped. He was vicious and angry, causing one of Suns best friends named Wolf to be wary around him. Eventually when Sun went to lead her own Tribe, he refused and his cult left with him. But before he did, he promised her revenge for what she had taken from him. His first revenge was burning down her camp, killing Wolf in the process.

He led his group and trained them as visious warriors, him being one of the best fighters of the original group of young cats. Eventually them became named as the Rogue Star, after the brightest star among the shadows of the sky. Like the star, they shun all cats except for their own. Unlike the other two Tribes, they are very hostile towards strangers and only the best are accepted into the main circle. This being called the ShadowEyes, if a cat was to pass all the tests of skill and loyalty they would be accepted into this group. Those who did not make it were not driven off or killed, and were allowed to stay, but they remained expendible. These became Spies, Fighters, Kitmothers, and the like. It was unlikely that many cats would make it here, but those who were the closest would sometimes be accepted into the Elite. The Elite were formed of Shadoweyes and nearly Shadoweyes, and they were commanded by the closest and most loyal to the unnamed cat himself. If a cat failed to join both the Elite and shadoweyes, the best thing they can become is an Adept who would lead raids and command in smaller battles. They trained and grew more numerous, more powerful, all the while nursing a hatred of the Tribes, Clans, and anyone they deem 'clanners'. Now they have discovered two Tribes to hunt: The Tribe of Falling Stars, a worthy target, and the tribe of Burning Streams- and more importantly, his old enemy, Sun. He is set on killing her and destroying the two tribes.

When he left to find another land, he left behind his fellow loners, so he is now classed as a rogue.

RP Example:

(it's recycled if you don't mind.)

Aloepaw screamed in fear as more cats burst out of the bushes, and beside her her sister shrieked as well. One grabbed her by the scruff, painfully, and though she flailed with her claws he ignored her. Another had her sister as well, and with the laughin rogues around them they were carried off.

Aloepaw kept screaming for help. Surely someone had to hear her?

"By the Demon, shut her up!"

The rough voice was the last thing she heard as something struck her head, and everything went dark.

She woke to quiet sobbing, nearby. Opening her eyes, she stared around in confusion before seeing her sister curled up not far away, weeping. "Hey." Aloepaw tried out her voice; it was raspy from screaming but alright. "You ok?"

Her sister looked up. "Oh, thank goodness! I was afraid they really hurt you!"

"Not too bad." Aloepaw winced. "A bit sore."

Her sister was practically quivering with fear. "Aloepaw, I heard that they were going to have a fight out there for the cats to watch. The winner... They said they get first pick of us."

Aloepaw didn't understand for a second. Then realization hit like a lightnigbolt, and dread seized her.

This must be a dream. Surely she wasn't going to be... forced?

"We have to get out of here!" Her sister sounded panicked.

Cheers went up from outside. Her sister looked out, shaking. "One of them won." she whispered in horror. "No, please no..."

Two bloody, injured cats came in. One was limping, but he looked over them with satisfaction. His gaze made Aloepaw shiver, and she looked away.

"This one." he decided at last.

Aloepaw looked up to see him looking at her. Dread came back in full force as the the other headed towards her whimpering sibling, while the limping one grinned at her crookedly. He came close, very close. "Relax, honey." he whispered in her ear, his breath stinking of crowfood and blood. "I think we'll both enjoy ourselves. You're a pretty one, and I think our kittens would be adorable..."

Her sister was too terrified to speak, but Aloepaw heard noises nearby that told her quite clearly what was happening to her. And seeing the tom drawing even closer to her, eyes alight with anticipation for the deed to come, the frightened apprentice-so far from home- couldn't even find the voice to scream.

Last edited by Rivermask on Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Arador||rogue Empty Re: Arador||rogue

Post by NKninja Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:02 pm

you got to add the rest of the description, and LOL, you don't have to add the question in your description, it's not needed Very Happy


Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Arador||rogue Empty Re: Arador||rogue

Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:27 am

it wasn't in the form thing.

And meh. XD


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Arador||rogue Empty Re: Arador||rogue

Post by NKninja Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:09 am

i have a rogue/loner from the tribes as well! (lol but she's not guilty)... i finally see future RPing for a cat i don't play much!!!!!

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Arador||rogue Empty Re: Arador||rogue

Post by Loki Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:46 pm

Accepted! Do I see a good RPer in our midst?

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Arador||rogue Empty Re: Arador||rogue

Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:00 pm

An experienced one, yes. ^^ I am the Unn00b.


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Arador||rogue Empty Re: Arador||rogue

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