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CLOSED In the Evening

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CLOSED In the Evening Empty CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:57 am

Sinface walked along the border of Abyssclan, glowering at the border of Dewclan. What was going on over there? Why hadn't anyone heard from them?
The blue-eyed tom sighed, shutting his eyes tightly - headache. I need some sleep...
He continued to pad along, looking for a tucked-away spot for him to take a break.
Suddenly, his keen ears caught a faint crunch behind him. The warrior spun around, claws flashing out, to see...

Last edited by Runfast on Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:40 am

Shadowstar quickly ducked, countering the blow swiftly.
"Be still, Warrior," he commanded with a snarl. "There are many things I must tell you tonight. Many, many things - things I should have told you, taught you, many seasons past." Shadowstar, the blue-eyed doomed-to-die leader of Abssyclan watched his Warrior intently.
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:26 am

Sinface's eyes widened in shock as he realized who he'd attempted to harm.
"My King," he mewed, bowing low. "Forgive, I assumed you were an enemy." But what the leader had said brought up many questions in the Warrior's head. Many things he had to tell him? Like what?
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:21 am

Shadowstar shook his head,
"Oh, get up, would you? There's more important things that require tending to; follow me." Shadowstar spun around and trotted off, feeling wary of the night.
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:23 pm

Sinface looked after the leader, confused, but the burning desire to be obedient caused him to follow.
"Sir, where are we going..." Sinface winced - whoops, "if I may be so bold to ask?"
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:16 am

"It's fine," Shadowstar bit off, sour laughter in his voice. "Just fine. We're... Going where the night can't find us." The smaller black tom chuckled. "Yes..."
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:33 am

Sinface raised an eyebrow. Something seemed off about his Majesty - Wonder if I'll be struck dead for thinking like this? - something was... Different for certain. But what?
He was more edgy, but at the same time he seemed more relaxed. Relaxed to the point of not being the embodiment of fire, ice, and rage...
What was going on?
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:58 pm

They walked in silence, Shadowstar's thoughts a awhirl with what was occurring even as they were getting further and further from the camp.
They were heading up the hill, all the way up it. The top was a large, beautiful clearing where you could see the sky. In the middle was an interesting, large rock formation.
Shadowstar lead Sinface to the edge of this clearing, turned around, and sat himself on a smooth stone.
The rain began to fall, a slight drizzle being the warning of a fearsome storm on the horizon. Here on the top of the hill (like much of the territories), there was still a good deal of ice and slush. But with the warm weather that was increasing every day, it was all melting.
"Sinface. Everything I am going to say to you here is of the utmost importance. Forget none of it."
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:37 am

Sinface looked at his leader, not even knowing what to say in response. He settled for dipping his head.
Oh, Above... Give me strength...
Something about this meeting was looming over Sinface, making him nervous.
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:10 am

Shadowstar studied the warrior for a long moment then shifted into a more comfortable position.
"You've have long lived with the thought that Woebringer, your father, has been disappointed with you and your brother for many seasons. That he hated your blue eyes and your brother's twisted leg. That you would never live up to the image he had of you." Shadowstar looked into Sinface's eyes, eyes that were of identical color to his own.
"You are wrong."
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:42 am

"Uh - wait, I'm not sure I understand...?" Sinface wasn't getting it. Was Shadowstar saying that Woebringer didn't hate him? That he wasn't angered by his very existence? "What do you mean? My father... Woebringer isn't disappointed?"
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:27 am

Shadowstar's ears flattened. That wasn't what he meant at all.
"Woebringer isn't your father," he hissed. "Woebringer was never your father." He stood, his tail lashing. "There are many things to say, Sinface. Do not interrupt." He exhaled and sat again. "I know that you've noticed the Servants acting out of line as of late. That they've been absent more often than not and they've been meeting out by the thistle bushes on the South border. And you know why." He paused. "They wish to overthrow me..." He gently clawed the stone he sat upon.
"And I know your brother is in on it... But, don't worry."
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:20 am

Sinface's eyes had widened and his jaw had dropped, but now he was scowling, his eyes narrowed.
'Don't worry?' What?...
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:06 am

OOC: Yeah. this would sound so much cooler if I didn't suck...

IC: Shadowstar drew himself up, a calm smile gracing his face.
"The movements of all Clans are always being whispered in my ears. Nothing escapes my pale sight, nor my scent. They speak of a... Prophecy. It speaks of a Blood Moon signifying the end of my rein and my inevitable death. This is expected," he chuckled that last line. "This 'prophecy' has been repeated for generations upon generations, as far back as the Son of Scourge. His enemies heard the prophecy, too. They sought to end his rein, but Scourge's Son was young and wily, and he knew how to turn the tides, and did so with ease."
Shadowstar sighed, something that quite unusual for him.
"Do you know why these prophecies were sent?"
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:35 pm

Sinface opened his mouth, hoping a smart answer would just appear - but he didn't know. Loveless, being so fond of his stories, knew more about these things than Sinface every would.
The tom closed his mouth and shook his head.
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:42 am

OOC: I may revise this later so it sounds better...

Shadowstar chuckled. He suddenly leaned forward and hissed in a whisper,
"So Scourge could make sure he would have a leader that would hang on every word that comes from his poisonous tongue. He wants complete and utter submission from those who lead his Clan - it's all he's ever wanted. And, oh, he is angry that he has lost the submission of Cityclan, so he focuses his anger upon us - upon me. Scourge refuses to believe that his time of ruling is over, so very caught up on the past that he's willing to kill each and every one of us until he finds a suitable puppet," Shadowstar snarled the last word. The small black tom leaned back, shifting his armored paws slightly, the sharpened teeth 'clacking' against the stone. "Under normal circumstances, with a living cat, I would find this admirable. But no. This is a tom that's been dead for countless seasons. He's long since missed his chance of living again and has no right to manipulate the fate of my Clan."
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:51 am

"But," Sinface had something to say, "But Those Above want only what's best for us... Don't they?" Sinface was starting to feel like a new apprentice, trapped under so many thoughts and beliefs, the intrusive ideals of Those Above and Below as new to him as they had been when he was born.
But, some of what Shadowstar was saying had begun to make sense. Who had told that one cat in Loveless's story that the distant leader of Bloodclan was fleeing to the forest? And why had he taken refuge in that warehouse with the 'true believers'? Too many loose ends... Too many unexplored theories...
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:47 am

OOC: Again, Ima edit later to make sure I've got the History right...

Shadowstar chuckled, a cruel sound.
"Perhaps, at some point or another... Until they were overthrown," he mewed darkly. He looked at Sinface and mewed, "Come now, you did not seriously think that Scourge, King of Bloodclan is the true leader of our ancestors? I've heard the stories your brother tells - 'And Scourge found a shattered stone, and when he touched it, he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes he was no longer in the cave but in a forest. And there he met Those Above...' He met Those Above. He did not start it, does not lead it. Those Above was once a force for good - for us. But some time ago, Scourge died. And when he did, he was dissatisfied with the way things were run by our ancestors. So he gathered to him followers - Those Below, cats of Goldfur, prisoners of the Dark Forest - and he overthrew Those Above, slew them, imprisoned them. Now our destinies are his to manipulate, to toy with."
Shadowstar shook his head. "From that day on, nothing was the same. Scourge sought to control his son through his dreams, but the Son of Scourge was no fool. He refused to listen to his teachers, those who encouraged him to obey Those Above, and ultimately he was killed for it on the night of the Blood Moon. A few generations later, another descendant of Scourge desired to escape the eyes of his treacherous ancestors, so he gathered loyal non-believers and took refuge in the warehouse. Then one day, when he grew tired with Scourge's zealots constantly attempting to kill him, so he and his own followers made for the forest - and you know the rest. A great battle, non-belivers against believers, and eventually, Abyssclan and Cityclan. The sister Clans who can't bear to be apart, but can't stand to be together. Of course, Scourge made his way back into Abyssclan. The prophecy being whispered by the Servants is proof enough." He looked at Sinface with hollow eyes. "I am going to die... But that's alright. I've been Scourge's puppet for so long, that I've forgotten what it feels like to be alive... He never wanted me to be happy - he made me kill my own ma-"... His voice dropped off. "But that's not important - Abyssclan is going to need a new leader if it's ever going to escape the claws of Scourge. One who knows the truth, one who is willing to give everything for his Clan..." Shadowstar paused.

Last edited by Meany on Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:51 am

"Well, don't stop there," Sinface burst out after being silent the whole time, "who will be the new Leader of Abyssclan after you've..." He couldn't bear to say it, not after all that Shadowstar had revealed to him.
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:00 am

"... I thought for certain that a bright tom such as yourself had pieced it together. I say 'one who knows the truth'..." Shadowstar looked at Sinface pointedly.
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:55 am

OOC: CLOSED In the Evening Tumblr_lmyzzcSfbQ1qcu3mro1_400

IC: Click. Sinface's jaw dropped, eyes bugging out of his head.
"But-but-that's-it's," he took a deep breath. "But Kings must be from the line of Scourge - from the eldest son of the previous King! I'm the son of the Protector - is there some law..." His voice dropped off as well, his eyes taking in the way Shadowstar's face was shaped, So much like Loveless's..., and taking in the fact that only Shadowstar had the same colored eyes as Sinface...
He fell over. His legs folded beneath him with what came into his head. "N...."
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:16 am

Shadowstar looked down at his eldest son, raising a cat eyebrow.
"Get up," he snapped. "No heir of mine reacts in such a manner..." He looked over his heir with a scrutinizing gaze. "There is much to tell you, to show you - yes, more than what I've said - but the Bloodmoon is in two days, and there is no time. The Powerfuls will be charged with teaching you the rest when I'm gone... But listen closely, as you were before - and pick yourself up - the night is fading."
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:26 am

Sinface slowly stood, nodding to him, his leader - his father. Sinface felt as though a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Woebringer wasn't his father! Loveless could be someone, anything, whatever he wanted to be, and no one could ever tell him otherwise again! And Sinface would no longer be ridiculed for the color of his eyes...
"Wait," he mewed. "If Woebringer was never my father... Then why did you let me - us - think he was? And why did Doveface have to die?"
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Meany Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:58 am

Shadowstar looked at Sinface carefully. I should tell him not to think about that - but he deserves to know... Shadowstar took a deep breath, steadying himself.
"Your mother was Woebringer's servant. Woebringer would, and always has... mistreated his Servants. There was no moment of doubt for anyone as to who the father was when Woebringer discovered she was expecting... Only she and I knew..." Shadowstar coughed slightly, looking away, shifting his paws. "Our relationship was something we hid from everyone, for if Scourge were to find out it would all be over... We thought we were so clever..." He scuffed his paws, studying the stone under his paws. "But..." He cleared his throat. "Scourge found out. It was one life over another. And now she's dead. As for your sister, Woebringer got to her before I did." Shadowstar's expression had barely changed as he had reminisced, but there was some sadness in his eyes. That quickly went away when he mewed, "Does that satisfy you?"
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

Post by Runfast Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:14 am

"One thing," the warrior mewed quietly. "You hid from Scourge; how?"
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CLOSED In the Evening Empty Re: CLOSED In the Evening

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