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Kusu's problem

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Kusu's problem Empty Kusu's problem

Post by NKninja Wed May 18, 2011 10:55 pm

OOC: before i start, im terribly sorry if i should not post a topic here about Kusu's incident, it's just that i know that swan's live and eat near a wet, stream like area, and this would be a perfect place to start.

IC: after the encounter with the strange, unfriendly birds, Kusu made the choice of flying into the opposite direction of the mountains, as she new that it may be difficult to find food there.
she knew this area was sweeping with cats everywhere and it was difficult for such a large bird like her to relax in peace.
then, she felt her wings starting to grow weaker! (at this time, summer, swan's start to molt there feathers and grow new one's. depending on age. thats what i mean as 'wings grow weaker')

she knew she should land somewhere, when something caught her eye. a moor! the perfect place to stay.
she landed, her webbed feet drenched in mud. "things could be worse" she calmly said. after a few moments of getting out of the mud, she walked to a near bush, lied down and silently gazed into the forest nearby.

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Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by Guest Thu May 19, 2011 1:23 pm

OOC: Here comes Pantherleap!
IC: Pantherleap was hiding in the shadows, her luminous green eyes scanning the area. She knew that she was breaking the Searclan law (again) by heading out of the territory, but personally, she couldn't care less.
After her bad experiences with the Tawnyclan cat that had tried to eat Rook, Pantherleap had become wary of those cats. She had put a long, hard stone for the sole purpose of sharpening her claws should she run into them again. She unsheathed her claws, purring with delight as she saw they were sharp as knives.
She slid over the undergrowth, shifting her body weight over the twigs and leaves. No noise so far. Perfect!
She heard the ungracious splat of a giant animal, and peeked out around a tree to see a giant swan (or whatever Kusu is) on the ground.
Unlike Rook, bigger birds weren't holy to Pantherleap. Flame counted; she had met the kestrel when Rook had come to see her in the Searclan medicine cat's den. The crystal flecks in the kestrel's eyes had startled her, but not for long.
This swan (or whatever) was certainly not any of those. She crept out slowly, without bowing her head as panthers would usually do, and instead held her black head high as she padded towards the bird.
"Who are you?" she asked nonchalantly.


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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by NKninja Fri May 20, 2011 12:43 am

OOC: you would be right, kusu is a swan Very Happy also i have never heard of searclan, you think you could tell me what or where it is?
IC: kusu calmly turned her head around to see a strong panther (if your character is a panther) staring right at her, only a few foxlengths away.
" i should be saying the same to you, feline. i'm kusu" kusu said with a soft tone. she was not concerned that the feline may attack or even kill her.

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by Guest Fri May 20, 2011 8:22 am

OOC: Searclan is a loner group on the edge of tawnyclan, antherleap is an ordinary cat, but she was raised by panthers who taught her religion and the panther language (latin).
IC: Pantherleap kept her gaze on the swan, she edged around the clearing, scanning all 360 degrees of the target. She worked out its soft spots, where it was weak, and how it would most likely strike. All this she did with careful calculation.
"I know of a bird. His name is Rook. He is black falcon." (Excuse the funny accent, its just how she talks) Pantherleap meowed, twisting her tongue to form the words that she wanted. Like saying a second language, it was hard.
OOC: Here's the order of importance in things on earth for Panthers. The top being most important, bottom being useless.
Birds of a holy class (E.g. Rook and some other birds of prey)
Four-leg prey animals (Deer, rabbits)
Non-holy class birds


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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by NKninja Sat May 21, 2011 4:42 am

"rook? black falcon? i think i have heard of him" kusu slyly said. "actually, i have heard much of him, many tales have been past around the land" her black glazed eyes soon fixed on the sky, thinking of the tales she had heard from others.
"it seems like an honer just to know such a brave bird" she said interested.
then she looked back to the strange feline, its gaze as still as a frozen lake what are you thinking kusu thought to herself.

OOC: if rook is so popular by some cats, he should be known by many birds too! just an idea...

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Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by Guest Sat May 21, 2011 5:21 am

OOC: Thats a good idea.
IC: Pantherleap stepped out, and tocuhed the swans feathers.
"You are a plant-eater, not a dive-catcher (or raptor), but your feathers are smooth. the primaries are falling, but they are in good condition."


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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by NKninja Sat May 21, 2011 5:37 am

"ugh... thank you very much" she softly said. it seemed strange to her that a cat would complement her feathers. getting the idea out of her head, she said "so... do you live here?"

OOC: what do you mean by raptor?

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Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by Guest Sat May 21, 2011 5:40 am

OOC: A raptor is a bird of prey.
IC: Pnatherleap shook her head. "My home is Searclan, just beyond the oak of panthers."
OOC: thats a random landmark i made up.


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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by NKninja Sat May 21, 2011 5:48 am

OOC: OH... A RAPTOR... i feel dumb now, LOL

IC: kusu, curious, looked behind the cat, looking at the oak trees that were not too far away "would it by chance be in that direction?" (got to love characters curiosity Very Happy)

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Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by Guest Sat May 21, 2011 5:50 am

"i have herbs." Pantherleap said. "You wish to come back and i treat?" (excuse her horrible language.)


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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by NKninja Sat May 21, 2011 5:57 am

Kusu looked back at the cat, " that would be great, thank you" she said with a tone of happiness.
"but before you do that, could you tell me your name?" she asked, still with the same tone.

OOC: im fine with the strange accent Very Happy

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Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by Guest Sat May 21, 2011 6:04 am

"i am Pantherleap." she said, and walked off without waiting for the swan to follow.


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Kusu's problem Empty Re: Kusu's problem

Post by NKninja Sat May 21, 2011 6:19 am

OOC: were getting somewhere Razz

IC: Kusu soon followed behind pantherleap, keeping her distance a few tail-lengths away.
i wonder where this 'searclan' is she thought

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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