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blood in the battle fields

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blood in the battle fields Empty blood in the battle fields

Post by NKninja Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:46 am

writers note: this is the first time i have ever done an RP (not adding my RP example in 'make a character') so, its my fault if its not clear enough.

this is Corrupt.

it was mere sunhigh, the wind whistled through the battle fields as though not one fight had ever struck... the stench said otherwise. a kit, no larger then a rabbit, limped across this land, leaving a trail of blood behind her.
this unknown kit was curious of its surroundings and was exploring the area, and was even attempting to catch some prey... she of course was failing as she couldn't with the reek of thunderpath and rats on her side.
she was tired and nearly collapsed with pain when she heard a howl, faint but clear... it was later when she realized that the strange howl was more then one creature. 2, or 3 at the least.
her head spun around to see unknown figures in the distance, too far to see it clear.
the blood that trickled down her leg slowed and grew cold, this had happened to her before, she knew what was in for her. suddenly, the area around her vanished in a white beam of light.
and she collapsed onto a bramble bush, the blood that trickled down her leg grew larger until the clump of brambles were dyed in blood.

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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Guest Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:59 pm

OOC: You're supposed to use OOC when you're out of character. And now, my birdie Rook is a'comin (how can he be everywhere at once anyway?)
IC: The black falcon circled above, his yellow eyes keen and sharp, looking for prey. As he circled, he saw something even better. A kit.
A kit that would earn him entry into Abbysclan. When he delivered it to them to join their clan.
OOC: Hopefully u don't mind me interrupting.


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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Longstorm Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:28 am

OOC: Since you've crossed the border, and it's noon, you'll be found by one of my charries instead. The Night Patrol sleeps all day.

IC: A soft whisper fell over the wind;
"Why have you come, little one?" In the brightness, the faded shadow of an old tom contradicted the light. His faint, brown fur gleamed, but if you looked close, through his fur, you could see the tangle of plants directly behind him. His pale eyes looked at the kit in a questioning way.
"Did the vengeance in your heart mislead you? Did it trick you into crossing my border?" The tom didn't sound angry, more calmly interested than anything. But what made this tom different was that he spoke without moving his mouth.
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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Guest Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:19 pm

OOC: whos this?
IC: Rook circled, picked a suitable landing spot, and landed, right next to the kit and the new tom.
"Ah!" Rook squawked, and bent down in a birdish way of vowing. "It is quite a rare instance when a bird such as myself is able to subject himself to such an honour of presenting this kit upon you. "
he stopped, realizing this cAt wouldnt be able to understand him.


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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Longstorm Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:44 pm

OOC: This is the ghostly form of Searingeyes. No one but this kit can see him, as per his own choice.
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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by NKninja Sat Apr 23, 2011 7:20 am

strange noises range into the kit's ear. she opened her eyes ever so slightly from exhaustion.
a dark shape of a cat struck her sight. she tried to stand before the stranger but pain gripped at her hind legs, leaving her collapsed on the brambles.
on her side she noticed another shape, a bird! the furs on her back began to stand as the feathered animal began to scrape the ground beneath it with its sharp talons, was it thinking of eating her?
she turned back to the tom and silently mewed with a deep breath " are you going to kill me?"
they were silent for many heartbeats, like a tree they didn't move either.

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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2011 7:46 am

OOC: Uh, sure.
IC: Rook paced around, the cat he'd seen was hard to see. He kicked at the ground annoyedly, now what was he going to do?


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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by NKninja Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:23 am

OOC: yea that works. i was making things up as i went Neutral im not the greatest at this.

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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:27 pm

Knowing this chance had been blown, Rook took off, leaving to another clan land.


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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Longstorm Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:32 pm

The tom smirked as the bird left, then he turned his attention back to the youngling.
"Why are you here," he asked again.

OOC: Hey, Stare, don't sweat it! It took me and my group lots of practice to get to the level of RPing we're at now.
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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by NKninja Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:01 am

the kit gazed at the tom, took a breath, and finally stand before him. "where else am i supposed to go?" she said with a frightened face.
she turned in the direction of the twolegplace and slowly pointed with her tail " i came from the twoleg forest. a monster attacked me and i moved here for some reason". she spun her head toward her right hind leg that still oozed blood " it got my leg, the trail there was too hard to walk on. i thought i could find my family if i went around the place"
she soon fixed her gaze again on the cat that was still watching her.

OOC: thanks LS for the words of encouragement, i do appreciate that. you know... i will soon get used to the fact that i may not be as good as others, but im trying Very Happy

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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Longstorm Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:13 pm

The tom smirked slightly, sort of his signature expression.
"Well, small one, I won't give you false hope;" he looked serious, "You'll never see your family ever again." The tom's gaze softened. "And you've crossed into the worst territory possible... But, there is a solution for that. Follow me." That being said, he vanished, his chuckles echoing on the wind.
A short ways away, he could be seen and he called, "Come on!"
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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by NKninja Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:59 pm

as the cat dashed away, and the kit struggled to follow. it was difficult to run, but she didnt give up and stayed only a few tail-lengths away. " whats your name?" she mewed with a gasp. they raced through the territory unexceptionally fast, even for her!
she looked at her leg, finally the blood had dried up. and then she wondered if she could trust this strange tom.

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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Longstorm Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:05 am

OOC: Not dash. He's disappearing and reappearing.

IC: The tom chuckled again, vanishing once more. Behind where he had been was a gaping hole. A tunnel.
It looked warm but somewhat foreboding.
"Come on," the tom's friendly voice echoed down the tunnel.
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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by NKninja Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:32 am

OOC: okay, disappearing and reappearing, got to remember that Mad

IC: the kit leaned forward to take a better look of the tunnel before venturing into it, but she tripped on loose ground and tumbled into the cavern. she landed paws over head, right in front of the tom. he still showed no sign of emotion, either that or the darkness of the cavern hid any signs.
she kept her mouth closed and silently stood up and trailed steadily behind him. she assumed wherever they were going, it wasn't far now.

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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Longstorm Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:43 am

There tunnel was dark forever, it seemed, but the shadowy tom kept going. Suddenly, he turned into a sub-tunnel and disappeared, his form turning to dust in the wind that wasn't there.

Now, to point something out about these particular tunnels: they weren't completely dark due to strange bugs that seemed to glow and plants that glowed as well (OOC: bioluminescent plants). In the caverns and dens that the tunnels sometimes led to, there were also strange, small holes in the ceiling that let in small beams of light that reflected off of strategically placed reflective stones.

But back to the sub-tunnel.

There, in the sandy-floored den, was a tuxedo-marked she-cat nursing four kits.
She looked up at Corrupt nervously and mewed,
"Who are you? Why are you here?"

From another tunnel came the exact same tom from before, only his form was solid and real now.
"Ah, small one. So nice to meet you face-to-face, finally. To answer your question, my name is Searingeyes. This is she-cat here is Terra, and the kits here are Torn, Fresh, Bark, and Thistle. And you are?" His golden eyes gleamed in a strange way.
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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by NKninja Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:18 am

" my mother and father named me Corrupt, maybe because of my scars and eye" she looked at terra and winked her left eye to show that she was partially blind.
corrupt soon sat down in front of searingeyes, and purred her appreciation." where is this anyways?" she meowed and looked around the cavern that was dimly lighted, but magnificent to see.

OOC: i like the she-cat's name, terra... its nice Very Happy

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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Longstorm Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:32 am

OOC: It's a Cityclan name. Cool

IC: Terra raised a cat-eyebrow.
"'Corrupt'? What sort of parent would name their kit that?"'

Searingeyes glanced over at Terra then looked back to Corrupt.
"There must have been a specific reason behind it, I'm sure." Searingeyes mewed to Corrupt,
"How long have you been on your own?"

Terra looked down at the kits she was feeding for a while then stood.
"Excuse me," she mewed and Searingeyes nodded. She went into the tunnel Searingeyes had come from, towards the sound of water.
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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Loki Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:38 am

OOC: HERES LOKI!!! btw its five days before kits open their eyes isn't it? then two before they can actually see...
While Thistle, Bark and Fresh were asleep, Torn decided to be lively and look around. His eyes bright blue as the color segments hadn't matured yet. Torn was a VERY dark brown tom. and a bright one at that. The tiny kit felt proud of himself for looking around the whole of the tunnel, now he was tired, so he laid his head down to nap.

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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by NKninja Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:03 am

OOC: wazzap admin! Very Happy okay this one's trickey

IC: corrupt looked at the kits, they were well groomed and in better shape then herself. then, she felt terrible, they had parents and she didn't.
she looked at searingeyes " i have been like this for about a moon now, they were taken when i was 2"
she said with a saddened tone, unsheathed her dull broken claws and sank them into the earth as hard as the could.
" i can still remember that day" she whispered and started to shiver ever so slightly.

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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Longstorm Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:33 am

The eerie glow of Searingeyes eyes (OOC: lol, need to find more words for eyes) seemed to increase ever so slightly as he mewed,
"It must have been terrible." The sleek tom sat, the tip of his tail calmly moving back and forth. He looked at the she-cat in silence for some time, silent like the darkness in the night. Finally, he mewed, "You've lovely eyes. Haven't seen eyes that color for some time... Anyone else in your family have eyes like that?"
Searingeyes was making small talk, but a question was in his mind.
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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by NKninja Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:09 am

"actually, my mother an father both had green eyes, they don't like the color of mine and kept there distance away from me" corrupt sniffled " i still miss them, even now" she finished
. she didn't expect searingeyes to be so polite, even to a scrap of crowfood like her.
"and i've never seen such eye's like yours before" she mewed softly, and flicked the tip of her tail.

OOC: you could try pupils if your that bored with eyes, also, you could maybe say 'searingeyes glare'.
that would work too Razz

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blood in the battle fields Empty Re: blood in the battle fields

Post by Longstorm Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:43 am

OOC: Maybe... Hehe, it's ironic, but before you joined the site, I had a story-arc planned: For the past 80 years, no cat was born with pale/gold eyes except the three Powerfuls. But after the Revolution that changes, and the cats with that color of eyes usually join the Inner Circle...
But that's all for later.
Congrats. You have a place in upcoming plots. Cool

IC: Searingeyes nodded and mewed,
"Understandable. Most younglings would." Changing the subject he mewed, "You know, most cats with your color of eyes do tend to be shunned in some shape or form, just as much as cats with dark pelts and pale blue eyes are. It's... unnerving, they say." Searingeyes fixed her with one of his all-time famous stares. But it softened quickly and he saw Terra return, looking more refreshed.

"Well," she asked Searingeyes.

The tom rolled his eyes, a gesture more suited to his physical age and mewed,
"Yes, yes... I was getting to that." He and the she-cat had formed a sort of friendship over the past few moon-phases. He looked at Corrupt and asked (well, more stated), "You need a place to stay."

OOC:EDIT::: Holy ****, I left this HANGING!?!?!... That's not like me... Apologies, Stare. It slipped my mind! Next time you need me to reply, PM me.
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