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"Iki did you hear that?"

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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Loki Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:11 pm

"Iki did you hear that?"
Iki's large head rose and he blinked.
"Its the middle of the night..." He complained.
"Well, normally a wolf pack would howl to Luna on such a night..." She growled and butted him in the flank.
"Okay!" He snapped and heaved himself up. The two headed out and looked up. The moon was massive tonight.
"Shall we howl to Luna?" Iki said his pale eyes focused on the beautiful saphere that was the moon.
Suki hesitated. She looked up. They were in an pack territory, sometimes if a pack were elite... they would have no need for Suki and this other wolf. To sing to Luna would be suicide. But.. tonight was different.
She howled.
He howled.
Ahwhooooooooo! Ahwooooooooughre!
All the way into the darkness until even the moon began to pass.
Iki stopped and so did Suki...
"Solar will be passing Luna soon. Solar will watch over us as we travel." She whispered.
She was not sure why she had said that. It was little now that wolves believed in wolf ways...
So why was she talking about it to Iki? She had always fed his mind with, Wolf ways and Wolf law.
When she could have disobeyed them... They perhaps would not e so weak if she did.

"Why does wolf law apply to us?" Iki said no longer distracted by the moon.
"Because Wolf law is all we have." Suki replied, the question ringing in her ear.
"But... No other wolves believe in Wolven and his Wolf law..."
"Thats because their tail chasers..." Suki retorted blankly...

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Guest Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:08 am

OOC: uh, whats going on?


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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Loki Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:38 am

OOC: Two scrawny wolves are in YOUR territory... basically

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Guest Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:45 am

OOC: oh okay. Lets say Fierie has finished the meeting and is patrolling the area.
IC: Fierie raised her head as she heard the distant howl of two wolves. Strange wolves, not from the area!
"Attack!" she growled, bounding down the mountain with her patrol on her tail.


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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Loki Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:55 am

"But isn't The great wolf god called Iki?" Iki growled.
"Your names are pronouced different..." Suki dighed.
"I-key, is your name, Iki the wolf god, our protector, Is far greater. His name is shortened to Iki... It
It used to be Ikiko. Meaning unbeatable in ancient wolvern."
"Whats that?"
"I would not know..."
Suki's ears flicked, she looked back.
"Iki..." She said mutely, "Iki RUN!"

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Guest Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:59 am

Fierie's eyes widened as she noticed the two loners. A chase! That was so exhilarating!
"Get them! Dont let them leave!"
She lifted her tail high and snarled, pulling her lips back to show her fangs.


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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Loki Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:08 am

OOC: Amazing! I'm glad you read that wolf information thing!
Iki's paws scrabbled underneath him and the two realized that they were too slow and weak.
Suki turned as did Iki. "We'll meet Ikiko and his young soon..." Suki whispered as she straightened her tail and drew her own lips into a snarl. Iki flattened his ears and drew his own lips back.

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Guest Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:09 am

OOC: Yeah my eyes are still dizzy from all those words. Shocked
IC: Fierie signalled for her patrol to surround the loners.
"What are you doing in this territory?!" she barked.


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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Loki Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:04 pm

Iki looked worriedly over Suki's shoulder.
Suki snarled, "We were just passing through."
Her tail flicked up and she narrowed her eyes.

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Guest Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:31 am

Anamacha stepped forward, his eyes narrowed. "oh really? Then why did you stop there..." he indicated an area where their scent was thickest, " and howl loudly enough to shake the sky?"
"Quiet!" Fierie snarled. She and Anamacha had problems getting along. "Well, Cliste? What do YOU think we should do?"


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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Guest Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:45 am

The gray-and-white wolf stepped up, her head bowed in respect. "I think we should take them in."
"WHAT?!" Anamacha growled.
"QUIET!" Fierie snarled back. She rushed forward and raised a claw threateningly in the Kappa's face.
Anamacha backed away, growling.
Fierie nodded, satisfied.
"Well, you two?" she barked. "Do you agree to join my pack as Upsilons?"


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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Loki Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:33 pm

Suki flicked her tail in irritation. Being the most dominant of the two, she would make the life decision of herself andIki. She looked back to the young wolf. He cocked his head,his eyes pale and thoughtful. They needed so much to join a pack, yet they wished so much to travel further.Iki growled at Amancha, "We were sending preirs to luna, to watch over us." He answered in a matter of fact tone. Suki looked back, glad that he was defending to these tail chasing fools. Obviously these wolves do not follow wolf ways snd wolf law...

She sighed looking daringly into this... she-wolf's eyes. "And what if we were to not join?"
Iki rolled his ears back in frustration. He bared his teeth at the others.

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:54 pm

"Then we'll use your fur to line our nursery." Fierie growled. Her long claws scraped the earth as she howled "Tear them apart!"


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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Loki Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:23 pm

OOC: I'll play Oakclaw's shadow, seen as he has disapeared...

IC: Shadow looked to his leader. "Hold on a sec.." He sighed and looked around him. "Last chance... Do yo, who stand before us, whish to join our powerful pack?"

For a while Suki hesitated. She looked back to Iki, His scrawny body, his thoughtful gaze, the fear scent that he tried to hide with bravery and the structure of his bones obvious even through his thick winter pelt. She looked around and lowered her head. If they were to fight,
then they wouldn't win, perhaps even their souls would join Lunaris and Solaris sooner then the two could possibly hope. She had been beeten. Leaving her old pack was a mistake, Iki was a liability to her mind. She didn't want him dead. Though here.... hee was about to become an omega if his gentle sould did not harden.

She lifted her head, pride flickering her eyes. She flicked her tail and Iki joined her by her side. "We'll join your pack... for now, until we know we can settle."

Shadow looked fondly at this she-wolf and then turned his greedy gaze to his leader. If Fierie didn't watch her back, then this she-wolf could be a serious threat. The urge to present pups to
The great wolf gods was coming... as the cold winter was begining to leave. He looked back to this she-wolf and a cold smile wore into him. But that flee-ridden mutt by her side... He would have to go, or be appointed omega for he could be a danger to Shadow's hopes of becoming male alppha.

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

Post by Guest Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:23 am

OOC: Uh, lemme get it straight. Shadow wants to be alpha male, and have cubs or something. And Iki could threaten that. Correct me if im wrong.
IC: Fierie glanced at Shadow. How could he get the loners to agree, and not her? He'd just made a dangerous enemy. Nobody was better than Fierie. NO ONE!
"Okay, you two," she growled, "Keep up, we're heading back to the cave."


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"Iki did you hear that?" Empty Re: "Iki did you hear that?"

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