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Most memorable moments :)

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Most memorable moments :)

Post by Loki Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:36 pm

I was wondering, what were you're favorite moments on the outcasts?
Pick a moment or several moments that you remember.

As an extra task I want to know a post you wished you could have improved or if you were the owner of another character involved what would you have wanted that other character to have said or done?
...Just curious Wink

My most memorable moment:

Why? because this was Joy in her prime Very Happy I don't know whats happened to her now she just seems... a miserable lump of cliche seen-it-all-before!
And she wasn't scared to snap at other cats... I just remembered ho far we all have come! Lets not count the mistakes in this post Razz poor LS must have been so exasperated and fed up of me then.

(I can't find Lokistar's final battle D:)

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by NKninja Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:39 pm

Here's Lokistar's last battle.. Someone has to move most of Tawnyclan's old topics elsewhere.

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by Loki Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:59 pm

I'l sort them out later, I need to skim through a few topics and rename them :I

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by Meany Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:52 am

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by Loki Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:41 am

She is.
Just posting the whole thing because colorless being there was part of what made it memorable.

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by Ezziestar Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:16 pm

Hmm... My favorite posting moments... well:

That indeed was a few powerful posts, apart from Lokistar's death... upon which it still haunts my memories. T.T
Of coarse there were others who posted too, and I'm not saying the others didn't count... but I was happy with my posting on that topic.

also (Remember this? Very Happy):


and my last post or so that I thoroughly enjoyed was this one:


I love how that short topic went really... plus I lost where Ezziesong actually argues more with SP... *Shrugs* anyway, you all get the main idea... I love it when my kitties clash... that's pretty much it. and within the last spoiler I point out one post I wished I could have worked more on. Razz

There's ALOT of typing here... and quite a numerous amount of topics I enjoyed... some I couldn't find and besides... all of this copying and pasting is proving to be a pain. :/

So... there we have it. My favourite moments in the roleplay that involve my kitties... and I'm loving how the nine lives topic is working out too! Very Happy I cant wait to soon change my username to Ezziestar!

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:14 pm

<3 Awww Ezzie.
Some things we forget but then we read them and its beautiful. I'm listening to Radioactive by Imagine dragons and I'm like:

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by NKninja Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:08 pm

Loki! Have you listened to It's Time by the same artist? I LURV DAT ONE!

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by Ezziestar Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:18 am

Loki: :')

I have surely improved my roleplaying due to this forum. cheers

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by NKninja Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:11 am

Daww... This is too happy and touching for me! Sad IT'S SO... DAWWWWWWW XD

I can't wait to RP with you again Eezie! After all of the things I've been doing, it would be nice to~!

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by Ezziestar Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:14 am

I know. :') Almost like the good ol' days...

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by Loki Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:32 pm

she will soon, one more kitty to go!!!

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by Ezziestar Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:28 am

:'D Yaay! I can't wait... but I've got to go back to Ezziesong. She's almost finished. (But not quite. ;P )

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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:25 am

OOOO - I found a favorite moment!

Deep In the Tunnels, Loveless Follows a Voice

I LOVE the beginning of this topic - here's why:

VILETONGUE. He was a jerk in life, but in death he's allowed an explanation. He talks about forbidden love and regretting descisions. He is roleplayed so epicly by Meany that I can't even describe how much fun it is to read Viletongue describing his own backstory.

Here's some posts!


"You sure like talking to yourself, Legless." The raspy voice came from a bit further down the tunnel Loveless had come from.
A shadow emerged from it, translucent even in its' darkness. When it got close enough to Loveless, it became clear it was the shape of a cat, and the face was familiar.
Viletongue. "You might be crazy or something. Or dead. Like me." He seemed very okay with his current state of being.

Loveless twisted his neck around to see the shadowy figure - "Viletongue? How did - " Loveless stood, "How did you find me?" His ears drooped. "Did we lose?"
Viletongue rolled his yellow eyes. "D'ya think I'd be all smoky if you tick-eating Servants hadn't?" He didn't wait for a glimmer of recognition to grace the eyes of the Servant. "I'm dead, eejit. Your little plan worked out fine." Again, he didn't seem to mind.

Loveless gasped, remembering how Viletongue had just showed up out of the dark to join the patrol. "...Uh.. How... was it?" Bad question, Loveless knew. REAL bad. He felt stupid.

Viletongue let out a long, ripping laugh. "How was it? Hahah - cold, shocking, heart-stopping - but I'm better, thanks." The thank-you was almost genuine. "It's actually kinda nice to not have to worry so much about everything from enemy Clans to loners to bad blood to Servants with funny legs and dung like that." The tom sighed. "Of course - I gotta stay down here if I want it to stay that way." That irritated him and it showed on his face and his lashing tail.
Stupid Above - all those damn rules.

Loveless was relieved that the dead Warrior probably wasn't there to kill him. But now he was a bit confused. "W-why do you have to stay down here? Of all places? Why don't you join Scourge?" Yes, Loveless knew the whole story about Scourge, as told by Shadowstar to Sinface to him. "Why don't you join your old Clanmates in the stars instead of being in this musty old place?"

Viletongue sighed again and padded up to sit next to Loveless. "I guess dying makes me a little more open - guess this little story won't hurt my reputation these days. Sit down, and I might tell you my reason."

Loveless glared at the dead Warrior but sat anyways - he was curious.
"Well?" Yep - revolutions were just so freeing.

Viletongue's ears flicked. "Cocky." He swept his tail so it was resting over his paws, a strange pose for one who was such a formidable Warrior in life. "I like it down here. We only have legends about this place - what better place to spend the rest of your remembered days, where all secrets and answers may be found?" The look of excitement in the black tom's eyes was like when a kit looked at the world for the very first time.
"But... it's more than that." A look of sadness flickered across his face - then stayed. "When I was younger than you, a Choosing called 'Vile', I was friends with a she-cat apprentice from Tawnyclan." Viletongue didn't want to pause long enough to give Loveless enough time to say something.
"Her name was Sandypaw - she had an attitude and pelt to match her name," the was a tinge of wistfulness in the Warrior's voice. "I met her at a Gathering not too long before I was given my Warrior name. She was the only apprentice there brave - or stupid - enough to stand up to a Warrior from our Clan. Don't remember his name," scorn in his voice. "I guess it was obvious to Sandypaw that I admired her for what she did. We insulted each other a few times before the Gathering was over. I thought I'd never have to see her again, but I was wrong. Even then I helped with patrolling, and apparently patrolling is a big part of training in Forest Clans. We kept seeing each other across the borders, and while the others fought, there was nothing said between us." Viletongue had a far-off look, gone back in the days of his training.
"I... don't know how it happened, but suddenly we were both sneaking out to meet up. Sometimes I swam the river to see her, other times she ran across the Battlefields to meet me. I told her everything about us - and she told everything about life in Tawnyclan. It was all so foreign to us, how the other went about daily life, how differently we were raised."
Viletongue sighed sadly. "Then I told her about these tunnels. I'd never been inside, but I knew where an entrance was... We were young and curious... We both went inside... Only I came out."
The tom looked and felt more broken than he had ever in the presence others, but it was nothing new to him.
"Hence my name. It was my words that brought Sandypaw here, and it was my words that killed her."
The tom suddenly laughed. "And now I'm here, spilling my tick-filled guts to you. I really am dead."

Loveless's eyes looked upon the Warrior with sadness. "I'm sorry, Viletongue."

Viletongue batted at Loveless - his paw went right through his head, of course. "I don't want your pity. She doesn't want it either," he looked to an empty space next to him.
Loveless couldn't see it, but the lovely Tawnyclanner was sitting next to him, her sandy pelt glowing like she was standing in sunlight.
Earlier, Sandypaw had forgiven him, saying it hadn't been his fault - and she also made fun of him for getting so OLD.
"So, that's my little story, Prince. Haha, yeah. I know who you and your brother are, sneaky badgers. Good luck - and take care of the cats who are living down here, would you? It's creepy having four kits and two she-cats here with us ghosts." The black tom's image dispersed quite suddenly, like wind blowing away smoke, only his raspy laugh telling that he had been there.


It's brilliant! I love it to bits and pieces! I've never felt any form of pity for Viletongue until this topic, and now I'm glad that he gets to be with Sandypaw. Who knows how he could have turned out if she had lived?
Ah, I wonder. Cool

Anyways, that's one of my favorite RPing moments.
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Most memorable moments :) Empty Re: Most memorable moments :)

Post by Loki Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:49 pm

It reminds me of Joy when she was small and stupid and met up with Tigerpaw, who only really saw her as a rebound.. meh, I is all sad now.

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