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CLOSED Going Ons

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CLOSED Going Ons Empty CLOSED Going Ons

Post by Longstorm Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:02 am

Blueblossom, a pretty white she-cat with a pink nose and soft blue eyes, was rousing a group of kits from their long nap.
The cats from the unspoken spiritual journey had been there for a full two days, regaining their strength. The five kits Blueblossom had charge over had been kept from the newcomers, even Gingerleaf, in case the newcomers had any sicknesses. It was wise to not take any chances when it came to kits before they were of 'paw age.

Flightkit was the first to wake. He gently prodded his sister, Leafkit, who opened her dark green eyes. The two kits were practically twins in all but gender and eyes color. Flight's eyes were a dark blue like his mother, Skyecho.
The tom and she-kit sat up. They, and their littermates, were nearing five moons old.
"Can we see the new cats," Leafkit mewed softly. She was shy, like her brother. Blueblossom smiled at the kit and meowed, "Sure."

Outside, Hollypaw came out of the den and breathed the strange air of the Ice-Shell Willow. She was still getting over the size of this willow, but it was starting to sink in.

Last edited by Longstorm on Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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CLOSED Going Ons Empty Re: CLOSED Going Ons

Post by Longstorm Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:11 am

Garnetheart woke from his sleep suddenly. He sighed when he saw his mate and kits sleeping at his side.
His young kits were twitching in their sleep and he found himself wondering what might be haunting their dreams. "Give it a good nip," he encouraged Redkit softly. The little kit seemed to be nipping something then relaxed, purring in his dream.
The TawnyClan warrior smiled. He turned his head and licked Pigeonwing's ear. The she-cat stirred and turned to lick his cheek in return. "Morning," she whispered.
"Morning," he whispered back.

Outside, from a separate den, Gingerleaf was stirring as well. He hadn't been feeling so well lately - and at that thought, he coughed.
"Great," he croaked.
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CLOSED Going Ons Empty Re: CLOSED Going Ons

Post by Meany Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:42 am

Screechkit, the youngest of Skyechoe's litter, a tom with orange fur, blinked open his amber eyes and smiled when he saw his siblings were starting to wake up too.
"Oh, good," he whispered. He sat up and stretched, yawning widely.
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CLOSED Going Ons Empty Re: CLOSED Going Ons

Post by Longstorm Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:08 am

Gingerleaf didn't want to die. That was the last thing he wanted. He feared and loathed death. More than that, feared dying alone.
As fate would have it, Hollypaw, apprentice to Daystar of DewClan, was padding by his den. Her slick fur was as fluffed up as she could get it, but it wasn't enough. She was used to golden forests and marshland, not constant biting bitter cold that was found so far in the mountains.
"Isn't ever warm here," she sighed.
"Not really," Gingerleaf croaked.
The tom's voice sounded so unnatural that it made Hollypaw jump over a foot into the air. After she landed, she spun around to see who had spoken. "STARCLAN," she hissed in surprise, "You've scared me! You know, you shouldn't just creep up on cats like that," she began to rant, "You could make some-cat's HEART STOP the way you like scaring people, I mean, what are you DOING hiding in there anyways, are you some sort of -"
"Anyone ever tell you that you talk a lot," Gingerleaf snapped - then coughed.
Hollypaw stopped. "Well...yeah." Her ears dropped. "Everyone, actually." She looked at the ground.
Gingerleaf looked at the she-cat and sighed. "It's not...a terrible thing, you know."
Hollypaw looked up at him. "Really?"
The ginger tom sighed again and sat up more. "No, no. Could be useful, if you used it right, I guess. You could get your point across to anyone, even an idiot. And if they didn't listen, everyone else long as you knew your stuff...I guess..."
Hollypaw's eyes were wide. "That's...that's the first time anyone's ever said anything like that to me."
Gingerleaf cocked his head. "Really? That seems kinda stupid, what with you being an apprentice. You're supposed to be taught...and stuff." He'd never had an apprentice, but he'd been one like everyone else. He coughed again, more harsh this time.
Hollypaw shook her head, her ears drooping again. "Not really. I'm Daystar's apprentice, so everyone would just treat me way nice or way mean. They sort of figure that I don't take things seriously, and that I should learn how to shut up and be an obedient bee."
"Well," Gingerleaf stifled a cough (he was feeling a little rejuvenated, speaking to someone.), "Chatty-cat, I don't think talking a lot means you don't take stuff seriously...I mean, you talked a lot because I scared you."
Hollypaw flattened her ears. "I wasn't scared. And don't call me Chatty-cat!"
Gingerleaf rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'm just saying, maybe it's just a reaction. Fear, anger, hate. That sort of thing. I bet," he edged a little closer which wasn't a lot, "maybe if you got better at controlling the whole thing, it'd make you a better warrior...maybe." He shrugged.
Hollypaw narrowed her eyes as she thought about his words. "'A better warrior.' How?"
"Like I said," Gingerleaf sighed. "Talking is important. Getting your word in is VERY important. Speaking you mind and thinking your own thoughts is the very best thing."
"Everyone says being quiet is -"
"Sometimes," he corrected. "Chatty-cat, sometimes it is. Sometimes it's not. Good warriors know this, medicine cats know this - leader HAVE to know this, or they'd NEVER be able to lead their Clan. You know, 'Let all cats old enough...' You can learn how to recognize the times to speak and the times to listen. Obey and not obey." He sighed. "Me? Chatty-cat, not good at all. I'm not good at speaking my mind, or challenging anyone...I'm just Gingerleaf, the obedient warrior...I was better at being an apprentice." He mumbled the last words, looking down in shame.
Hollypaw looked at the warrior sadly for a long moment. Then, her determination set in. "No," she snapped. "No. I bet you can learn how to talk. You told me all of this stuff I never knew before, and you got your word in. I bet you can do the same with warriors, and, and deputies, and even for a LEADER if you absolutely had to. If I can start to learn about my thinking," when Gingerleaf had told it to her she had decided she would dedicate herself to it, "then you can about talking. And you'll be the best warrior DarkClan has seen." Hollypaw wasn't sure if that could ever be true, but she wanted to believe it with all of her heart. This tom had done her a kindness, encouraging her in a way (she didn't know this now) would change her entire future.
Gingerleaf smiled sadly. "I wish...but I think I won't be leaving here with Blueblossom and the kits and you and everyone else..." He voice dropped out.
Hollypaw was confused. "But...why?"
"Well, my legs." He moved them feebly. "I'm a dead cat already, Chatty-cat. But I'd like it if you kept visiting me."

OOC: To be continued...
LS's Group
LS's Group

Posts : 2320
Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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CLOSED Going Ons Empty Re: CLOSED Going Ons

Post by Longstorm Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:22 pm

A few days had gone by since Gingerleaf and Hollypaw had that fateful conversation. In that time, Gingerleaf had explained how he hadn't been feeling well for some time and now, with no medicine cat to help him, the warrior's health was beyond help. "I'll be gone soon," he had meowed painfully.
Hollypaw had persisted, telling the sickly DarkClan warrior of life in DewClan, how she had been trained and how the other cats interacted with her. In return, Gingerleaf told the she-cat what little he could of life in DarkClan; the open woods, the tall yellow grasses, frozen mountain paths. And, he told her about his training, and of the greatest warriors in his Clans - Thornstar and Longflight and Gorseclaw - and how he knew them and how everyone else saw them and how they all acted.
And they talked about Hollypaw. Oh, how they talked about her. They talked about when to talk and what to talk about, when not to talk and what not to talk about, talking when it almost seemed wrong but something needed to be said, speaking out against authority when there was a strong chance they could be wrong, heeding authority, ect.
The DewClan apprentice's mind had been opened to ideas she'd never considered before. In those few days, she felt as though she had learned more then, than in her entire, albeit short, life.

Then, the day finally came. The day she'd been dreading. The day she found Gingerleaf dead.

It had been a cold morning like any other. Hollypaw had woken up and headed towards Gingerleaf's den, and had stopped. He wasn't quite in the den, no. It looked at though he'd finally taken it upon himself to walk around a bit, to get a few puffs of fresh air like Hollypaw had been saying. The tom must have been walking around, decided to return to his den, and died before he could get all the way in.
The pale ginger tom looked more at peace than he had in many day. He was on his side, his tail strewn out behind him, his paws folded neatly, a slight smile on his dead lips.
No more 'Chatty-Cat,' the tortoiseshell thought sadly. No more tales of DarkClan, or of Longflight, or Thornstar or Redfall...No more Gingerleaf. For all the sorrow she felt, Hollypaw found a sense of relief in Gingerleaf's death. No more pain for Gingerleaf. She exhaled sharply, getting the bad air out of her lungs as grief pierced her heart. She padded up to the corpse slowly and lightly touched her nose to his shoulder. "Rest in StarClan, Gingerleaf," she mewed sadly.

Hollypaw was found aimlessly moseying the Shell, her tail drooping and her eyes cast low.
Blueblossom knew then. "It's happened," she mewed bluntly. The DewClan apprentice looked up at her and nodded sadly.
The white DarkClan she-cat sighed. "We'll have to bury him. A cairn would do, seeing as the ground is frozen."
Hollypaw just nodded again, very, very sad. Blueblossom looked at her concernedly. "Come on," she meowed kindly, resting her tail over the apprentice's shoulders. "Let's go to the nursery." Hollypaw nodded again. Blueblossom murmured concernedly and lead the usually chatty she-cat into the warm nursery.

Once inside, the tortoiseshell she-cat found it impossible to be too terribly sad when she was suddenly greeted by nine excited kits. "Hollypaw, Hollypaw," they all exclaimed. They all jumped onto her and she found herself buried under a pile of purring fluff.
"H-hello," she purred back, laughing as she tried to escape. "Get off - you're squishing me!"
"We've captured her," declared a kit - it may have been Redkit - proudly. There was a long pause. Another kit mewed, "Now what do we do?"
"Now she must tell a story!" The kits all cheered wildly, and just as suddenly as it had happened, all of the kits were off of Hollypaw.
"Tell us one about ThunderClan, Hollypaw," "No, tell us about TigerClan," "I wanna hear about WindClan!" "I want a story about SkyClan!" "What about MoonClan? I want a story about MoonClan!" "No, no, NO! ShadowClan, ShadowClan, ShadowClan!" Hollypaw could barely make out what any of the kits were saying.

Blueblossom could only smile in her way; she'd become much more of a mother than she'd ever planned (planned in her apprentice years, that is.) The blue-eyed she-cat sighed softly and discreetly left the nursery.
She padded over to the den Pigeonwing and Garnetheart shared when sharing a den with nine kits got to be a little much. Blueblossom stopped when she heard a ferocious coughing fit. Pigeonwing had gotten sick as well, and was getting to be in a bad way. The poor TawnyClan queen had had to be separated from her kits, and her mate refused to leave her side. Not that they were telling anyone; Blueblossom had been sworn to secrecy.
"Just one bite, Pigeonwing," Blueblossom heard Garnetheart. "Please, please. Just a little bite. It will make you feel better." Blueblossom called from just outside of the den. There was a sudden quiet, then Garnetheart appeared.
"Yes, Blueblossom?" The tom looked haggard from tending to his mate at every waking moment.
"Gingerleaf is dead," she meowed. The TawnyClan warrior looked scandalized.
"Not so loud," he hissed. Garnetheart gestured to the den behind him.
"She'll find out eventually, Garnetheart," Blueblossom shot back. "You can't keep her in the dark. She's a grown cat, not some two-day old kit."
The tom flattened his ears. "Don't tell me what to do," he snapped. "You're not even from my Clan. Pigeonwing is my mate. I'm taking care of her. So you can just go back to watching the kits in the nursery." The TawnyClan tom spun around and stalked back into the den.
When asked, he told his mate that it was nothing, that the kits were fine and she had nothing to worry about.

Blueblossom looked at Gingerleaf's body and sighed heavily. "Gingerleaf," she murmured. She'd never been close to the tom. Thorstar called Gingerleaf 'mediocre at best.' But, it was still a loss, and Blueblossom felt like each and every one of the cats here was her charge, and that she had failed the tom.
Just like I'm failing Pigeonwing... Blueblossom sighed sadly again and looked around. We won't be able to move Gingerleaf's body out of the Shell... He'll have to be buried in here...We'll need stones.
The she-cat went to work.

Here's how it was: Hollypaw was telling a tale of when ThunderClan had a great battle against ShadowClan at some time or another. The nine kits' imaginations were safely ensnared, none of them worried about what may or may not have been happening outside of the safety of the nursery,
Blueblossom was gathering many rocks and stones, sometimes even going outside of the Shell (though she tried to do this as little as possible.) The she-cat opted for making Gingerleaf's make-shift den into a tomb.
She dragged the ginger tom all of the way into the den, and, with much time passing, she caved it in and stopped the entrance with earth and stone.
Covered in mud, the white she-cat sighed heavily. It was done.

Hollypaw had told many, many stories in the time she had been in the nursery. One by one, the kits all fell asleep, with only Whisperkit trying to stay awake the longest. But, she too fell asleep in the end.
Even Hollypaw was falling asleep.
Blueblossom joined Hollypaw in the nursery. She nudged the she-cat awake and meowed. "It's done." Hollypaw looked at the warrior confusedly. "In DarkClan, we think it's a sort of bad luck to allow a body to lie for too long. Best to let them join the earth, so their body can roam the skies more easily."
Hollypaw still looked upset.
"It's what he would have wanted," Blueblossom assured her. The DewClan apprentice sighed heavily and rested her chin on her paws, hoping sleep would reveal this all to be just a terrible dream...
Blueblossom took her place with the kits. She counted them all; Silverkit, Whisperkit, Redkit, Frostkit, Milkkit, Palekit, Claykit, Spottedkit, and Owlkit. All here. The warrior settled down and fell asleep watching the sleeping kits and Hollypaw, knowing that even when they did all go their separate ways, she would always care for them.
When Blueblossom dreamed, it was of all of her children, those she watched over and those she had birthed.

In the den with Pigeonwing and Garnetheart, Pigeonwing's condition had worsened. Garnetheart was trying his best to keep her awake and focused on him, but he was failing miserably. "Pigeonwing, Pigeonwing!" He meowed frantically, nosing her face repeatedly. "Come on! Think of our kits - they need you, they need both of us! Please, please, please, wake up. We need to go home. We need to go back to TawnyClan together. Please..." His pleading went on for a long while, his universe made up of only Pigeonwing and himself. His asking went on for so long that he ended up talking himself to sleep.
The two slept pressed close to each other, breathing in each other's scent.

The Next Day (nearly Sun-High)...

Blueblossom was already up and walking around. She found that she preferred a warrior's schedule to a queen's schedule, so she was usually up shortly after dawn, depending on when she feel asleep.
She had been walking around in that cold, dark dawn outside of the Shell, with thoughts of whether or not StarClan could see them in the Frost Forests, much less the Shell. She'd spent some time praying and hunting, and had returned feeling better and with four pieces of frost-living prey.

Inside of the den Pigeonwing and Garnetheart shared, Garnetheart was stirring because he felt cold. He moaned softly and yawned with a wide, pink mouth and looked around. He nudged Pigeonwing gently to rouse her from her deep sleep.
"Wake up, Pigeonwing."
Of course, he knew. He knew. He knew. He. Knew. But he wanted to ignore. Because, maybe, maybe, maybe if he did, it wouldn't be true. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. It couldn't be true. It simply was not true.
Garnetheart sighed. He'd try to wake her up later. Pigeonwing needed her rest, anyways. She wasn't feeling very well, anyways.
The leggy TawnyClan tom emerged into the murky, distorted light of the late morning. He looked up at the ice covering the Willow and took a moment to marvel at it. He'd marveled many times at it before, but it still took his breath away. This place was almost becoming like home to him. Him and Pigeonwing.
But it's far too cold, he shivered. It isn't even leaf-fall yet, and it's as bitter as leaf-bare here. I'd hate to be here in leaf-bare. I'm no DarkClan cat. Garnetheart felt a stab of bitterness towards Blueblossom at the thought of DarkClanners. She doesn't know anything. Everything will be fine. Just fine. It will be as it's always been, and even better.
The TawnyClan warrior nodded, fully believing his own lies. He decided to visit his kits.

In the nursery, Hollypaw woke up. Mouse-dung, she thought as she remembered the events of the previous day. Gingerleaf is still... She gulped. Dead.
'Don't be too sad,' it was almost as though the ginger tom was there, whispering to her - but Hollypaw knew this was just a memory. 'Don't be too sad. I mean, it's okay to be sad. But don't be too sad, you get me? I'll be all dead, yes. Very sad. But don't be sad for long. Because you've got a lot to do. A lot in front of you. And it will be amazing. But not so much if you're always sad. So. Live well. Be happy. And keep talking, Chatty-Cat. Never shut up. '
The dark tortoiseshell couldn't help but smile a bit. Gingerleaf had smacked her on the shoulder when he'd finished, saying that there'd been a fly there when their hadn't been. StarClan, he was a strange cat...hope StarClan can hold him. Hollypaw smiled a little more and sat up, shaking the sleep from her pelt and stretched.
"It's a new day," she meowed aloud.
"Yes it is," Garnetheart stuck his head into the nursery.
"Oh! Good morning, Garnetheart," Hollypaw greeted him.
The TawnyClan tom nodded to her. "Morning. Just checking in on the kits," he looked at his four kits fondly. They were just beginning to stir. "Hi," one squeaked to him. Garnetheart purred and joined the four, giving each one a quick grooming. "Where's mama," mewed Redkit.
"She's sleeping," said their father. "But maybe she'll be up later."
The four kits purred at him and batted at him or rubbed against Garnetheart, "Will you play with us, father," mewed Whisperkit.
Garnetheart thought about it. "I'm going to go out for a bit. Hunt, stretch my legs. But, you know what?" The disappointed looks on the kit's faces turned hopeful. "When I come back, we'll play all day. All day long. And I'll bring back a nice piece of fresh-kill too."
"The biggest piece?"
"Bigger than you."
"And you'll tell us a story?"
"I'll tell six. One for each of the Clans of legend, and two extras. And we'll do some warrior training together too."
The four kits gasped in delight and mewed excitedly. "I can't wait," shrieked one, waking up the other kits.
Garnetheart's whiskers twitched in amusement. "Me too," he purred. "Well, I'm going to go now," he stood and playfully shook the kits off of him. They all giggled.
Hollypaw smiled, glad to hear that Garnetheart was going to give his kits much-needed family time.

Garnetheart passed Blueblossom on his way across the roots of the willow.
"Hello Garnetheart - how's Pigeonwing?"
The TawnyClan tom practically leaped out of his skin. "Blueblossom! StarClan, you know how to scare a cat. Hello. Hi." His fur fell flat. "Yes. Pigeonwing is fine. Better, I think. She's sleeping, so I thought I would just walk around the outside of the Shell a bit. Stretch my legs. They're quite long, you know." He laughed.
Blueblossom gave the tom a funny look. "Are you alright?"
Garnetheart nodded. "Fine. Just fine. Just a little...tired of being shut-in. Need to see the sky."
Blueblossom nodded. "I understand. Don't be out too long; I think a storm might be coming in."
The tom nodded. "Sure thing, Blueblossom. I'll be back." He nodded again. Garnetheart stayed where he was for a long moment then nodded once more. He turned and jumped from root to root, then squeezed out of the hole in the Shell, and was out.

The day went on as usual. Blueblossom showed the nine kits and Hollypaw more battle stances and some leaping moves. Hollypaw helped some of the kits, but this was also a learning experience for her as well. It felt good to keep training, even though there was the whole business with the dream and the Clans apparently being destroyed. But there you were.
The kits ate three of the four pieces of fresh-kill, and Hollypaw and Blueblossom shared the last piece. The kits played together, some napped, and the apprentice and warrior had casual conversations about hunting and fighting and patrolling - even if they didn't really do the latter for the Willow.
The sun shifted in the sky many times, and pretty soon found itself covered with dark clouds that turned the dim light of the Shell dark blue. The kits that were awake whimpered in fear as the light was sucked out of the Shell. Blueblossome looked up and nodded. "There's the storm," she meowed. She looked at Hollypaw. "Let's get the kits into the nursery. It's going to get colder in here."
Hollypaw nodded. "Kits! Let's go into the nursery. I'll tell you a story about BloodClan!"
The kits all 'oooed' over the name BloodClan and ran into the nursery, their fears immediately forgotten.
"Where's father," fretted Silverkit as she passed Hollypaw.
"Yeah, why isn't he back yet?"
Hollypaw and Blueblossom exchanged a worried look. Redkit, upon hearing about BloodClan, emerged from Pigeonwing's den.
"Mother won't wake up," complained Redkit. "I bet she wants to hear the story, too. She's soooo sleepy!"
Blueblossom's eyes widened. "Keep the kits in the nursery," Blueblossom meowed to Hollypaw as a thought came to her.
Hollypaw nodded and followed the nine kits into the nursery. She could guess.

Blueblossom briskly padded up to the entrance of Pigeonwing's den. "Pigeonwing," she called. "Pigeonwing, it's Blueblossom." No response. Blueblossom padded into the den. "Pigeonwing -" she stopped. There she was, lying in her nest. It looked like she was sleeping, but Blueblossom knew better. She touched Pigeonwing's corpse with a paw. Cold as ice and as stiff as stone.
"F#ck. Probably been dead since last night." She shook her head. "Garnetheart isn't coming back."
Blueblossom bolted out of the tomb and wildly leaped onto the roots of the Willow. Hollypaw looked out of the Nursery and saw.
"Blueblossom," she called, "Where are you going? It's a blizzard out there!"
"Stay with the kits," she yowled, and vanished out of the Shell and into icy hell.

OOC: To be continued...
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LS's Group

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CLOSED Going Ons Empty Re: CLOSED Going Ons

Post by Longstorm Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:15 pm


Hollypaw had weaved a brilliant tale of the frightening cats of BloodClan, the cats that ate cats and dogs and wore their skulls as trophies.
"I wouldn't be scared of them," declared Redkit. "I would," he demonstrated some shaky swipes of unsheathed claws. "And then I would bite their throats, and then they would all be dead! And ThunderClan and WindClan and ShadowClan and...and..."
"WaterClan," piped Silverkit.
"NOOOOO - RiverClan," mewed Whisperkit. Silverkit flattened her gray ears at her sister and hissed irritably.
"It HAS to be WaterClan! They swim in WA-TER."
Whisperkit reared up and batted at Silverkit with sheathed paws. "They swam in a RIII-VEER. They're RIVERClan. DUH."
Palekit and Milkkit, the quiet twins from a queen called Skyecho, sat quietly as they usually would as the arguments went on around them.
Owlkit, named for his strange mis-matched eyes, looked around. "But a RIVEEER has WATEEEER in it," he took Silverkit's side.
Frostkit rolled her eyes and looked at Hollypaw expectantly. "RiverClan," Hollypaw meowed to the most mature one of Pigeonwing's litter.
Silverkit and Owlkit shrieked in dismay. "TOLD YOU," Whisperkit tackled Owlkit. Suddenly, three of the kits were play-fighting, then six when Redkit and the quiet twins joined in, taking the others in unawares.
"NO YOU DIDN'T," chorused the other kits.
And so on. Hollypaw had been keeping the kits occupied, like Blueblossom had asked her. But she wasn't back yet - she was getting worried.

Hollypaw looked outside of the nursery as the kits played. She padded a few steps outside of the entrance and looked at the hole in the ice, looking for Blueblossom.
"She's not back." Hollypaw jumped when she found she had been joined by Frostkit.
The little she-cat looked at her with piercing eyes. "My father isn't back yet. Mother is still sleeping."
Hollypaw nodded. "Yes."
Frostkit looked at the hole in the ice. "Is my father coming back soon?"
Hollypaw looked at the hole too. "I don't know," she murmured.
Frostkit gasped suddenly. The apprentice looked at the TawnyClan kit and found that her face was the epitome of a strangely mature grief. "Mother won't wake up," she whispered sadly. "Father won't be back."
Frostkit sat sadly.

At the same time, Blueblossom clawed her way back up into the Ice-Shell. She popped through the hole with a gasp, and lay down on a thick root with a relieved sigh.
"Praise StarClan," she panted. "I thought..." No need to think about it, she thought. "I'm back," she called. Blueblossom stood on shaky legs.
Hollypaw saw her. "Blueblossom," she yowled happily, and she bounded towards the white she-cat, Frostkit hot on her heels.
Blueblossom reached the floor of the Shell and the two reached her. Frostkit purred and pressed up against the other white she-cat, their pelts blending in together. Hollypaw lightly touched noses with the warrior.
Pleasantries aside, there was a great and terrible question to ask.
"Garnetheart?" Blueblossom looked at Frostkit then at Hollypaw, not wanting the kit to know just yet. But Hollypaw and Frostkit were adamant.
Blueblossom sighed heavily and shook her head. "He's gone," she meowed sadly. "Frozen, I think."
Frostkit bowed her head, her whiskers touching the ground. She let out a thin whine that grew in volume until it was a piercing shriek of sorrow. Hollypaw pressed her pelt against Froskit's, smushing the little she-kit between her and Blueblossom.
"Your mother died last night as well," Blueblossom tried to meow over the kit's screams, her voice cracking.
The kit kept shrieking, nearly inconsolable, burying her head into Hollypaw's side.
Hearing Frostkit's shrieks, the other kits streamed out of the nursery and into the colder clearing.
"What's wrong," mewed Redkit worriedly. "What's wrong, Frostkit?" All of the kits were concerned.
"Fa-fa-mm-mm" Frostkit couldn't speak, and neither could Hollypaw, so Blueblossom had to.
"Garnetheart and Pigeonwing have died. I'm very, very sorry," she meowed to the children of the named warriors.

In the end, all of the kits grieved over the loss of the two friendly warriors, and the loss the children of those warriors had sustained. It was a long, cold night in the dark nursery, the only sounds were shaky breathing, sniffling, sobs, and the sound of the howling blizzard outside of the Shell.

OOC: It's an estrogen fest here. I pity Redkit, Owlkit, Claykit, and Palekit. And yeah, Garnetheart is totally dead. DEAD DEAD DEAD.

To be continued...
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LS's Group

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Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
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CLOSED Going Ons Empty Re: CLOSED Going Ons

Post by Guest Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:28 pm

Spottedkit, daughter of Skyecho (and she looked a lot like her mother), lay pressed up against Redkit. She didn't say anything - she was a kit, what could she have said - but she stayed there, sniffling like the rest of them.
Soon enough, she fell asleep.


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CLOSED Going Ons Empty Re: CLOSED Going Ons

Post by Meany Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:28 pm

Hawkkit sighed sadly as he snuggled closer to one of the kits in the nursery. No more Pigeonwing. No more Garnetheart...Just Blueblossom and more big warriors... He fell asleep, his mind plagued with dreams of flying over mountains and screeching a war cry as he swooped down to catch a juicy mouse.
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