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CLOSED Getting it Together

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CLOSED Getting it Together Empty CLOSED Getting it Together

Post by Longstorm Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:42 am

For the second time that day, Paleclaw exited the King's den.
To reiterate a previous point, the aptly named pale tom wasn't all too pleased to be ordered around by a tom he was superior to.
But - he wasn't about to do anything about it. It wasn't as though he could. He was son of a she-cat descendant of Scourge, therefore had no call to the throne.
There you are, then.
Paleclaw looked around the soggy AbyssClan camp, keeping a dark eye out for Terra and Snarlgag. Where Snarlgag would be, he did not know - as for Terra, he could see the kits taunting the prisoner in the camp - Something I believe Sin - whatever - is excluding me from. He didn't mention a word of his intention of her to me. - but he didn't see her.
The pale tom rolled his eyes, rain running off the edge of his nose.
Paleclaw padded across the busy camp and towards the Mender's Den. A lot of cats were there. Maybe they knew.

Last edited by Longstorm on Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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LS's Group

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CLOSED Getting it Together Empty Re: CLOSED Getting it Together

Post by Longstorm Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:27 am

Paleclaw's ears flicked at the sound of a fight within the Mender's den then thought twice about going in there.
Okay... His ear swiveled at the sound of the queen's voice.

Terra was watching her kits bat at the prisoner. She had taken to AbyssClan ways quickly, and found that she felt a deep sense of pride as her charges tormented the white intruder. Oh, but she was concerned that they may catch a chill from playing in the rain... She 'tsked.' Terra would call them back into the warm, dry nursery in a few minutes.
Paleclaw approached the tuxedo queen.
"Hello," he meowed gruffly.
Terra remembered the pale Warrior from the previous night. She promptly flattened her ears and snarled, "What do you want?"
Paleclaw bristled and he resisted the urge to slap the she-cat. "Scourge - my King - wants me to take you to the City with me. He already trusts you," he spat, Paleclaw not trusting the she-cat one bit.
Terra was shocked. "Scourge wants me to go back to the City? I thought I could stay-"
"No, no, NO, you stupid little she-rat," he ignored Terra's snarl, "He wants you to come with me so we can talk to your Chancellor. It's a..." He looked for a good term. "Special mission..." Paleclaw glared at the she-cat. "I'd leave you in the stinking City where you belong, if it was up to me."
Terra growled irritably at the tom. "Well, I'm glad it's not up to you." She half spat half snorted. "What about my kits," she hissed after a moment of thinking.
Paleclaw sighed in exasperation. "Get someone to look after them, like that gigantic she-cat that arrived with you, or one of the other she-r-cats," he caught himself as Terra's glare intensified. Oh, how he hated her guts.
Terra looked at her paws while she thought. "Scourge trusts me," she mewed in wonder to herself. She looked at Paleclaw, her hard expression returning. "Very well. I will do this for our King."
"He is NOT King," Paleclaw growled.
"Not King? Good luck telling Scourge that."
Paleclaw bristled. "I mean he IS King, he's just not YO-"
"Careful, Warrior," she taunted, "Don't choke on your own tongue!"
Paleclaw hissed at her with flattened ears and a fluffed up tail. Terra returned the challenge and swiped out a paw. The Warrior yowled angrily and was about to strike -
"CUT IT OUT!" Cunningheart yowled at them from outside the Mender's den. (OOC: CONTINUITY!)
The two kept glaring at each other, but they stood down.
The large white she-cat shook her head. "Those Above, everyone's gone insane today..." She shook her head and continued her way on to clearing out the prison.

Paleclaw put in one more spit in Terra's direction before saying, "Eat - we leave soon," and leaving her to find Snarlgag - wherever he was.

OOC: Hands down, Bitter's and Tigerfrost's argument was more interesting...I'll probably edit this laters.
LS's Group
LS's Group

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CLOSED Getting it Together Empty Re: CLOSED Getting it Together

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:28 am

Terra scoffed and watched the pale Warrior leave. He was nothing like Searingeyes - Searingeyes was dignified and intelligent and acted in such a regal way that she wasn't used to. And he was also young and kind at the same time; Searingeyes was an interesting sort of cat, especially with his golden eyes...Such eyes...
The tuxedo she-cat turned her thoughts away from the brown tom as she looked at her kits. Yes, she thought of them as her kits. Even if she didn't birth them, she was raising them. And well, she was sure that whoever had birthed them wouldn't mind sharing if she ever returned (and Terra hoped she wouldn't; she loved the four toms as her own.)
Terra sighed happily. Well. She would be leaving (oh, how she would miss her little toms!) and she would need to tell them that she would be gone for a time (she hoped they wouldn't be lonely without her). She sighed, a little less happy this time, and padded towards the toms.

Paleclaw had padded around the camp and had turned up...Nothing. It was now that he remembered that Snarlgag had taken Razorclaw and one of the she-cats out on border patrol. It'll take forever for me to find them, he hissed to himself. And I'll still have to explain everything to him! The pale tom growled irritably. Well. He'd better eat, then gather up Terra, then they'd go.
Hmp. Paleclaw turned and padded towards the food spot.

OOC: This is before DewClan came into AbyssClan territory.
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LS's Group

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CLOSED Getting it Together Empty Re: CLOSED Getting it Together

Post by Longstorm Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:57 pm

OOC: Closing this. Whatthe heck.
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Age : 29
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