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Leading from the storm to the fray

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by Loki Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:00 am

Maplejay's whiskers were drooped against the miserable weather. The marsh of Dewclan was becoming a swamp and it was getting increasingly hard to pick a safe path way without getting caught in weed.
She thought that at Bloodstone they would be safer. There was higher ground. From around the ridge was open land; so they'd spot the enemy easily... so she had speculated.

She felt grateful that the slippery Mudbloods had not returned. She supposed they wouldn't have held up their side of the deal.
She was glad Daystar had wondered off, this meant she had a chance to better her life. To become a better leader than he was. Who was to say that she couldn't lead Dewclan into victory.
She saw herself leading them... Maplestar...

In your dreams Maplejay

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Age : 26
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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by Meany Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:45 am

OOC: lol

IC: Brownhowl followed Maplejay, not too far behind.
As they walked through the swampi-ness, Brownhowl glanced once in the direction of AbyssClan.
Wonder what they're doing there, he thought. I'll bet Daystar won't be any problem for them.
Part of him was saddened by the thought of Daystar being defeated - and most likely killed - by the AbyssClannians, but Brownhowl was also loyal to AbyssClan and all it stood for, so the other part of him didn't really care.
Now, he needed to be focus on the new task: maybe reaching Bloodstones, and most likely fighting the Mudbloods (proof of what happens when a Warrior of AbyssClan was loosed instead of killed, he thought.)
LS's Group
LS's Group

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by NKninja Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:37 am

Ravenswift padded right beside Maplejay, Gentlekit dangling from his mouth, the maturing kit was quite lax, not struggling or anything. Sometimes he nearly forgot it was a kit and just another dead squirrel he would just have caught. Every time he thought of it, he passed the cripple to it's mother, Skysoar, who was right behind him.
He turned his attention towards Maplejay, " Even our own territory looks different in this rain! I'm not even sure we're taking the main trail towards Bloodstone anymore." He blinked the raindrops out of his eyes, and remained padding next to her

" Mama! My belly is getting dirty!" Smokekit wined, the soggy earth coming up to his legs, with his small body and all. " For the last time Smokekit! I don't want to hear another word from you about your dear coat. All of ours are dirty, I'll clean yours soon enough," Skysoar grunted, her voice muffled with her daughter in her mouth.
Ick! Being cleaned might be worse then being dirty! Smokekit thought, replying to his mother with silence, and a grumpy face.

OOC: Oh how I love the winers! XD

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Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by Loki Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:06 pm

Maplejay suddenly steadied as she glanced around her in worry that they were in fact not on the correct track. Her dusty green eyes wiped over every sodden detail before sighing in relief, "No we are on the correct track. At least in the rain we won't be bothered by foxes or badgers."
She glanced side ways at Ravenswift and suddenly felt guilty.

She didn't really want leadership... she had lust for leadership but not love. She loved Ravenswift not the possibility of being leader.
She swallowed hard, if Dewdrop or... or someone doesn't return at the end of all this then I'll pass the leadership role onto Foxclaw.
As she glanced at the tom she loved... she felt like being leader was something she didn't feel to aim at. She decided that she'd admit her love to the tom beside her when they got to the Bloodstones.
She was going to order her priorities.

We still doing the MapleXRaven thing NK? anyway I had a massive thing goin' with this boy I thought would be my prince charming. Obviously I'm just a second so he shredded my heart. I'm going to show some of my 'priority chaos' through Maplejay :/

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Age : 26
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by NKninja Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:02 pm

OOC: Yes, we're still doing it... I just suck at RPing some lovey dovey things. I know what I have to work on with this character! You can make Maplejay think that he doesn't like her for now, and then we'll give her some comfort

IC: "That is true, and thank Starclan for that." Ravenswift tried to smile, flicking more rain off of his heavy coated tail. He tried growing humorous in front of Maplejay, thinking that it must be stressful leading half of the clan without any 9 lives. Not to mention that the trip would get difficult and more agonizing if the rest of the clan was feeling despondent and hopeless. To lighten everybody up might be what we all need.

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Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by Loki Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:00 pm

"Yeah," Maplejay mewed... feeling a little worry poke at her.
They were not from the border. It was raining, there was no good mood to be shared.

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:19 am

Whiterose sighed, she missed the warriors den, she wishes that she is curled up in her nest right now. She looked back she couldn't see the camp any more. Blinking away raindrops she hurried up front to Maplejay and asked "What should we do if someone from MudbloodClan is there?"


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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:53 am

Grimclaw looked at Whiterose, startled out of the trance-like state he'd found himself in after listening to the comforting sound of the rain hitting the marshes (even if the marshes were damn near impossible to cross.)
He walked closer to the gray she-cat. "Erm...Claw, nip, bite, slash, sit on their heads?" He grinned a bit, hoping to relieve some tension. "Anything that will scare them, make 'em regret ever stepping a single whisker out of line with us Clans, Whiterose."


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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:16 am

Whiterose looked at Grimclaw and smiled. And she said "Very funny Grimclaw. I'll do my best to scare the dirt out of them." She said smiling trying not to laugh.


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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by Guest Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:52 am

Grimclaw's ears pricked up, eyes widened, pleasantly surprised that Whiterose had taken his slight humor and turned it into something great.
"Remind me not to fight the Mudbloods from behind," he chortled. "Otherwise the smell will kill us all!"


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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by Loki Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:53 am

Maplejay smiled softly to herself, glad that the tension should be loosened by Grimclaw. He'd make a good leader, she thought sullenly.

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by NKninja Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:38 am

Ravenswift tilted his head towards Grimclaw, "Either that, or their ticks will first!" He grinned, pushing softly behind Maplejay.

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Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by ticktock Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:47 am

Whiterose let out mrow of laughter at what Ravenswift said. "Haha - oops, I think I laughed too loud..." She ducked her head nervously.

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by NKninja Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:32 am

Ravenswift smiled, "Nah! It seems impossible, all cats around got too much rain in their ears to understand." He purred, thinking if Whiterose was right to the point. Even with this deluge upon them, a mudblood could navigate where the hell they were in possibly faster then a falling warrior.

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Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by Guest Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:34 pm

Grimclaw followed happily, though his purring suddenly got quiet as he looked around, wary for any Mudbloods that might be lying in wait. Maybe they didn't all leave, he thought nervously.
Grimclaw laughed kinda nervously at Ravenswift's joke. "Yeah. The water goes right in their ears, and into the space where a brain should be. When they walk, their head go SLOSH."


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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by ticktock Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:27 am

Whiterose purred with laughter at what Grimclaw said. She sighed with satisfaction. She felt pleased that her joke went as far as this. Whiterose said to Maplejay, "When will we get there Maplejay?"

ooc: Loki it is taking forever to get to the bloodstones, when will we get there,Loki?

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by NKninja Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:34 am

OOC: We could always time skip.. But I'd rather do that when Darkclan is out of the camp for a small amount of time. I say wait until we post that topic to leap in time. Meaning MORE CHEESY JOKES AND MORE WALKING! YAY!
In the meantime, I'll get some stress flowing here.


Smokekit was laughing so hard, mud flew right into his mouth from it being so low to the ground. He choked for a moment, and made a BLECK noise, his tongue sticking out in disgust. When trying to push off the rest of the mud from his tongue, his right paw sank deep into the mud, raising his tail to the air, and his face into the ground. This made him look to be a bright brown tom.

Gentlekit, who looked in his direction smiled and started to giggle, which happened rarely. "It's not funny!" He hissed, pulling himself back to his feet. " Yeah right! It was hilarious!" her giggles became uncontrollable.
Skysoar's smiling face grew into a looming and unhappy one in a mere instant. "Gentlekit! Settle down, don't make such a ruckus!" This only slightly lowered the stream of laughter from the kit.
"Gentlekit! This is serious!"
No use.
In an instant, Skysoar dropped Gentlekit, unintentionally. She was going to yell, but remembered that too much loose grip and there falls the kit. It did shut her up, but instantly fell into a howl of pain. She had fallen on her disabled leg, creating a loud snap even in the squishy mud. Skysoar's angered face swept with fear and despair. "Gentlekit..." She whispered, kneeling down to the ground.
"Where does it hurt?" She whispered softly.
Gentlekit's screams came to a sob, "M.. My leg!.." She whimpered, lifting her paws to her mother's snout. "I-it's my leg.. a.. again!" her voice grew more coarse.
"There there, there there." She whispered, softer every time she spoke. Soon enough, Gentlekit's whimpers were swept away with her pain. "Better?" The calming mother asked. Soon enough, Gentlekit let out a small smile, and nodded.
With as much gentleness as her kit was, she lifted her off the mud ground. She saw how her daughter winced to the lift of her body. We'll have to move faster at this point... She thought.

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by Loki Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:01 pm

OOC: Shall we move there now? Anyone who want this to continue can. Just post as if they're still there, it doesnt matter Smile
Maplejay looked back toward Whiterose as the swamp became deep, sticky mud. The she-cat turned her head away, "Nearlly there..." Before disappearing into the depths of a wry bush.
The cats would follow her in and see the vast empty fields that served as "No-Clan's-Land". The she-cat sighed with a little relief, I have no faith in myself, she supposed tiredly I thought we'd gotten ourselves lost!
OOC: I'll announce our arrival WhiteRose Smile

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Leading from the storm to the fray Empty Re: Leading from the storm to the fray

Post by ticktock Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:06 am

Whiterose nearly cried with relief when she saw No-Clan's-Land. It means that they are almost to the Bloodstones! I wonder who's going to be there? I wonder how many survived the fire? her mind was filled with questions. she asked Ravenswift,"how many TawnyClan cats do you think survived the fire?"

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Location : In the forest with surprisingly good internet service

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