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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Runfast Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:57 am

Mistlight watched the kits scatter and sighed. "Don't go out in the rain, you three. I don't want any of you catching colds in this place."
The medicine cat shook her head and looked back at Tala. "That's exactly what I mean," she mewed. "If the Clans failed, bringing back the Moon would save us all somehow. But..." She shuffled her paws while she thought.
"Well..." She sighed heavily. "When I was an apprentice, I had a dream. A dream very much like the one we all shared. In that dream I saw that hope destroyed fear but the hope could be destroyed by blood if they made a wrong move. If hope made that wrong move, the Moon would return it. There was also some other things, something about the weak saving strong, something about thrones and the shadow unseen..." She sighed heavily. "I know this dream will haunt me even after death...But," she said briskly, "Again it's another thing that screams FAILSAFE. I keep comparing the big dream and my past dream and I know there are many connections, but at the bottom of all of it, we're just a precaution. Eh, I keep digressing. I don't know, maybe in the end we may matter, but for now? All of that 'people will die if you breathe a word to anyone' is complete mouse dung. It has to be."
She took a deep breath. Sleeping in a cramped den in the middle of a wet forest was slowing taking a toll on the she-cat.
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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Ezziestar Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:54 pm

Almost immediately after Mistlight said what she did to the kits, the kits all responded at the same time saying, "Yes!"
Brambleleaf rolled her eyes as she had eventually given up, she wasn't fast enough to chase her kits around. She sat down and proceeded to groom herself as she listened to the sounds of the kit's paws, thudding the ground. The sounds all of a sudden stopped, Brambleleaf could hear Nightkit's voice whisper to her siblings, "I bet I could catch Momma's tail tip and back again without her catching me."
"You couldn't do that!" Eaglekit whispered back.
"You better not." Dreamkit squeaked.
"I'd like to see you try." Eaglekit meowed triumphantly.
"Eaglekit, Nightkit, Don't!" Dreamkit squeaked.
"Quiet Dreamkit!" Nightkit snapped, before she turned to where her mother was. She crouched down and messily snuck up on her mother's back.
Eaglekit watched and Dreamkit watched as she was crouched close to the ground.
Brambleleaf waited, obviously aware of Nightkit's plan, as soon as she heard Nightkit's pace change, she spun around and managed to pin her kit on the ground. Her claws were sheathed and she didn't apply too much weight or force on her kit for she didn't wish to harm Nightkit.
Nightkit squeaked in surprise and Eaglekit along with Dreamkit raced over towards their mother, their eyes wide with excitement.
"Wow!" Dreamkit sighed.
"That was awesome!" Eaglekit squeaked in amazement.
Brambleleaf purred and taking her opportunity, she managed to group her kits together and cleaned the mud on both Dreamkit and Eaglekit as she purred, "It's a mother's gift."

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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Longstorm Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:41 pm

Tala purred in amusement at the scene Brambleleaf and her lovely kits made. She turned her attention back to Mistlight.
"You're going somewhere with this. So, come on, out with it. We're would-be heroes in a broken tale, the back-ups, the failsafes, but someone put an effort into making us seem more important. I get it. So, what? Come on, I'm not getting any younger." Tala looked at Brambleleaf and the kits. "I need you on my side, see Brambleleaf? I'm getting older while she 'digresses.'"
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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Ezziestar Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:55 pm

Brambleleaf was too busy playing with her kits, (which was the only way she could keep an eye on them) that she didn't notice Tala watch.
Nightkit appeared to be upset, Brambleleaf wanted to find out why.
"Nightkit." Brambleleaf meowed calmly to her most troublesome kit as she sat up, releasing Nightkit from her grasp after she had cleaned Eaglekit and Dreamkit.
Nightkit looked up at her mother, "Yes Momma?"
Brambleleaf reached out a fore paw and gently pulled her kit closer to herself. "What's wrong?" she murmured to her kit.
Eaglekit and Dreamkit left to play fight as a way to allow Nightkit and Brambleleaf some space.
"How could you have caught me?" Nightkit whimpered, "I tried my best and it wasn't good enough."
Brambleleaf sighed, she then got to her paws and meowed, "Show me your best attempt at stalking." Brambleleaf instructed, aware that Nightkit wouldn't learn such a move until she was six moons of age.
Nightkit immediately crouched down, and Brambleleaf could easily pick up on faults, but didn't want to be too harsh. "You're tail's touching the ground." She meowed.
Nightkit looked back and tried to pick it off the ground, "Is this it?" She asked.
Brambleleaf could tell it wasn't high enough, but since she wasn't Nightkit's mentor, she couldn't teach her kit too much. "That's better." Brambleleaf meowed quickly.

Nightkit then proceeded to move along the ground, her paws didn't lift high enough and her paws dragged along the ground, causing more noise.
"Lift your paws higher." Brambleleaf purred.
Nightkit immediately tried, but her step was still a little wobbly and she almost fell over before Eaglekit pounced from behind, play tackling his sister to the ground.
He was laughing along with Nightkit and Dreamkit soon joined in.
Brambleleaf watched, chuckling inwardly at Eaglekit's way of trying to cheer his sibling up.

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Age : 29
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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Runfast Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:27 am

Mistlight got to her point. "I'm going home," she meowed simply.
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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Longstorm Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:46 am

OOC: Nicely done LOL.

IC: "WHAT," Tala exclaimed. She took a moment to digest the very simple sentence. "You...You're going home?" She scoffed. "After hiding out in the woods for over a moon? Really? Just..." She shrugged. "Going home? That easy?" Tala could see the logic in the medicine cat's words. If there really wasn't any reason for the dream to stay a secret, why bother hiding out? But still, a two day (probably four days since Tala was getting older) cold, wet journey all the way back to the City? She wasn't looking forward to it. She huffed. "I'd rather stay in this foresty den then walk back home in the rain," she meowed aloud and irritably. Tala looked at Brambleleaf. "Do you want to walk back home in the rain with your kits?" She didn't wait for an answer as she meowed to Mistlight, "See, no one wants to walk home in the rain. I don't do rain. I'm old and scrawny, rain'll knock me right over and beat me into the ground." Tala thought of home in warehouses, how she was usually warm and comfortable, how people respected her for her job. Then she thought about the den she was currently in, how it was sort of damp and drafty and the damn kittens never shut up.
Okay, okay, it's better, she admitted to herself.
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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Ezziestar Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:41 am

As Brambleleaf heard Mistlight plainly state that she was going home, she couldn't blame her, I don't like it here either... but we have no choice. She opened her mouth to respond but then Tala spoke to her. Brambleleaf wasn't given a chance to speak before Tala continued. She could only shake her head and meow under her breath, "It's too dangerous to travel in this weather on our own."

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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Runfast Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:07 am

Mistlight nodded in understanding. "Yes, I've thought about that. I'd like to scout out Darklan camp," she didn't say why - why would a medicine cat need to scout out her own camp? Of course, she knew that Redstar had been planning on overthrowing Thornstar (as against the warrior code as it was) and she didn't know how it had gone. "And you can all stay with DarkClan until the weather clears. As my guests, you won't be asked many questions."
She looked at Brambleleaf and Tala. "Our elder's den and nursery are far more comfortable than this den, and we have plenty of protection from the weather. It's a long journey, of course, but shorter than it would take to go back to your own homes - and we have the cover of the pines on our side. And," she smiled kindly. "I do like being you Tala, and Brambleleaf, and yes, all of you little kits," she purred. "I would make sure that you would be welcomed into DarkClan." She couldn't be certain of that - especially if Thornstar was still leader - but she would try her hardest. (OOC: Little does she know, Redstar and the others have left camp!!!) "Well...would you beinterested?"
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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Longstorm Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:23 am

Tala's cat-brows rose considerably.
"Oh. Well." She shifted and was silent for a time as she pondered Mistlight's words. "Hmm." The old she-cat looked at Mistlight then at Brambleleaf. "Well," she meowed in her grouchy defeated tone, "Your dens better not be damp. I get stiff when it's damp." She would go with Mistlight. Tala liked the younger she-cat and liked to think that she reminded Tala of herself when she was her age.
She looked at Brambleleaf. "What do you say, Brambleleaf? Do your Clan ways keep you from accepting another Clan's free food?" She liked the idea of being waited on by a bunch of younger cats (perhaps younger toms in particular, but she'd never say.)

OOC: I just discovered that I contradict myself in Tala's bio.
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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Runfast Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:01 am

Mistlight smiled. She looked at Brambleleaf, waiting for her answer. I'm finally going home, she thought happily - but she WAS a little nervous. Okay, VERY nervous. She was afraid of Thornstar's reaction to her suddenly returning, with outlanders no less. But Mistlight desperately wanted to go home. She wished she could reconcile with the cats she had abandoned because she had taken sides when she wasn't supposed to. She had turned her back on the traditions of her Clan all because she had childishly believed that the 'good guys' were the best cats to be with. But she had broken the Warrior Code in the process. She's turned her back on her own Clan and the laws of StarClan. What sort of medicine cat was she? Oh, she had been young and reckless, head filled with dreams and prophecies, but she felt that was no excuse.
So she wanted to go back. She wanted to apologize.
She wanted to go home.
And she was still waiting for Brambleleaf's response.
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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Ezziestar Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:09 am

((Sorry again guys.))
Brambleleaf stared at Mistlight, then Tala and back to Mistlight. Anxiety snapped at her like a fox's jaws and she felt helpless. What choice do we have? If I say no, I'll be left behind... but if I agree... Would that mean I'm turning my back on Starclan? "I'm... I'm not sure about this but," She began, almost in a whisper, she looked at her paws, before looking back up again, "We'll go."

Nightkit, Eaglekit and Dreamkit all stopped what they were doing. They turned their attention to their mother, "Where are we going Momma?" Dreamkit asked.
Eaglekit and Dreamkit slowly made their way towards their mother, Nightkit stayed where she was.

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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Runfast Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:07 pm

Mistlight nodded. "Great," she purred. She glanced out of the den at the miserable weather. "We should head out tomorrow - my home isn't too far from here." The gray she-cat looked back at the others. "I'll go out scouting soon."
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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Longstorm Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:09 am

Tala sighed heavily, though not without some humor. "Well...don't keep us waiting forever; some of us don't have all the time in the world, you know?" She chuckled darkly at her grim humor.
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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Ezziestar Thu May 02, 2013 2:40 pm

Brambleleaf sighed as she began to groom Eaglekit first, and stopping Dreamkit from escaping. Little did she know, that Nightkit took the chance to slip out from where they were sheltered. Dreamkit noticed first, but didn't say anything, Maybe Nightkit needed to go and think... she did that a lot lately.

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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Runfast Sun May 12, 2013 3:14 am

Mistlight nodded, thinking of seeing if there was any food. She was glad the she-cats had agreed with her, but nervous that they - and she - would not be well-received in her home. Regardless, she would still try.

OOC: Should the topic be closed?
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CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Brambleleaf with the questers

Post by Ezziestar Sat May 25, 2013 4:45 pm

((Yeah, unless we talk more to keep the cats in waiting.))

Brambleleaf had finished grooming Eaglekit before turning to groom Dreamkit, whom struggled to get away from her mother's caring grasp. Eaglekit looked around, and noticed Nightkit was gone, he began to search without saying a word. Where are you Nightkit? Where did you go?

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