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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Runfast Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:51 am

OOC: Here we go.

IC: It was two days since Bluepaw and Icepaw had gone missing. Rumor was, Icepaw was a spy sent by Thornstar to kitnap one of their cats and hold her for ransom until they surrendered.
The next in line was, that the two had fallen madly in love and had run away together, worried about what everyone else would say.

But what of Mistlight and Blackfire? The two having vanished a day later, why had they vanished with them? Had they gone looking for the two apprentices, or had Mistlight been called away by Starclan? Perhaps she had been kitnapped as well, and Blackfire had bravely chased her captors?

The rumors and speculations were flying like geese in mating season (OOC: No idea where I came up with that one), and all Redstar could do was pace. He'd made Icepaw his own apprentice! Why would he leave like this?
Though Redstar hadn't know him for long, he felt as though he had failed the younger tom in some shape or form. Redstar had seen great potential in Icepaw... Had he put too much pressure on the tom?
Where was Mistlight, his beloved friend and voice of reason? Why had she left like a fox in the night?
And Bluepaw? His sister, Blueblossom, was more worried than anything. She had helped raise the she-cat, and was worrying like a mother would.
And Blackfire... Redstar had really just been getting to know the tom better, and he had proved to be a wise cat.
So where were they?

Redstar sighed, thinking of the missing cats, the Gathering, and the upcoming plot to overthrow Thornstar and his gang... But with morale so low, would they be able to go through with it all?
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Meany Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:35 pm

Bronzepaw, made an apprentice only two days ago, was worried sick about his mentor. Why had Blackfire disappeared? Was it something Bronzepaw had said?
He sat down and sighed heavily.

In the Nursery, now three moons old Screechkit looked out at the other cats. When was he going to be made into an apprentice?
Screechkit sighed and turned to his mother.
"Mummy? Can I go out and play?"
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Longstorm Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:15 am

Gorseclaw looked around the camp, thinking about what had happened.
Personally, he was wondering why they weren't ignoring what had happened. Frankly, there was more important things on the line... But he couldn't really say anything, now, could he? It wasn't like Redstar was going to listen...

Sunmist looked at her litter-mate, Gorseclaw. He had the same strained expression as she did.
The orange and white she cat looked around the camp. Everyone was looking a little down...

Blueblossom, in the Nursery, was thinking about the missing cats. Why had they left?

Silverpaw, in the very middle of camp, looked at the older cats and her brothers, a sad look on her face. She lay down, placing her chin on her paws.
Losing cats was always tough on a Clan... On warriors...
Silverpaw lifted her head. Wait...
"Warriors," she mewed softly.
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Guest Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:30 am

Frostshine and Jaycall came into the Ice Shell, shivering.
"Freezing out there," Jaycall shook snow from his pelt. "But thawing, somewhat."

Frostshine nodded, shaking his own pelt. He looked around the camp.
"Why isn't Redstar doing anything," he mewed suddenly.

Jaycall looked at him in surprise.
"What do you mean?"

Frostshine looked at the younger warrior, a serious look on his face.
"I mean, why isn't Redstar moving on."

Jaycall shrugged, then defending his leader,
"It's been a rough few days! He's a new leader, and we can't really expect him to-"

"It's our right as warriors to expect the moon itself from our leader. When Redstar received his nine lives, he agreed to put aside personal matters to do what's best for his Clan. Your father would say the same, Jaycall."

Jaycall looked away, tail drooping. He nodded wordlessly and padded off.

Frostshine 'hmphed', and padded towards Redstar. It was time to do something.

In the Nursery, Skyecho looked at her kit and nodded.
"Of course... Stay where the warriors can see you, though." She looked at Echokit and the others. "You all go as well! You need your exercise!"

Echokit sighed. That was his mom, for you. He stood up and slowly left the Nursery. He stopped when he saw the Ice Shell. It was so much bigger than he'd ever imagined it would be! The light shone through the ice, making pretty patterns on the ground at his feet.
Faintly, he could make out the shadows of the surrounding trees and plants on the outside...
Echokit sighed.
This place was cool.


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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Runfast Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:25 am

Redstar looked up when he saw Frostshine coming up.
"Ah... Frostshine. What can I do for you?"

Goldpaw, in one of the corners of the camp, saw his mentor and his sister both head towards Redstar.. What was going on?

Fallkit followed his siblings out, and threw himself onto Echokit playfully.
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Longstorm Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:16 am

OOC: Ahem... Thanks, Runny.

IC: Silverpaw stood, determined to make herself heard. She marched over to Redstar, not really caring that he was already speaking to someone.
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Guest Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:08 am

Frostshine joined Redstar on the root.
"Ahem... Who do you think you are," he spat, "to just sit around and mope. Who do you think you are, to act like some spoiled kittypet, to sit and cry when something doesn't go right?" He go closer to Redstar. "Boo-hoo, things have gone wrong so I'm just going to sit here and DIE while my Clan needs me to lead them in their time of greatest need!"
Frostshine's fur bristled. "Who. Do. You. Think. You. Are?"


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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Longstorm Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:38 am

Gorseclaw and Sunmist looked at Frostshine in shock.
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Runfast Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:50 am

Redstar stared at Frostshine, his jaw slack. It took him a minute, but he spat,
"What would you have me do? I'm not even sure Starclan was right in their choice!
(OOC: Guys, I'm not feeling it... let's say something else happened at the same time... Fox attack, anyone?) I lead my Clan into a trap that might as well have been set up by Thornstar, then four of our cats vanish into the night, only blood telling what may have happened? And you expect me to just lead my wounded warriors into the fray!?!?" Redstar was face-to-face with the older warrior, breathing heavily.

OOC: I haven't been playing this charrie enough... He's got potential and I JUST noticed this and I feel stupid...

Goldpaw watched the exchange, a horrified look on his face.
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Guest Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:52 am

Frostshine's grey eyes looked into Redstar's amber ones as he mewed,
"Have you even asked the 'wounded warriors' if they would consider to do their sworn duty?"


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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Longstorm Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:01 am

Silverpaw, who had been in the 'fatal patrol', mewed boldly,
"I'll fight for my Clan, Redstar." Her fear vanished even as she spoke. "We all will. Couldn't you tell? We've only been thinking about our home! We want to go back and take our rightful place, even if we're a little beat up!"

Gorseclaw glanced at the Nursery - Blueblossom was there - and he gestured for her to come out.

"What," she mewed as she padded out, "What is it..." She fell silent when she saw her daughter face-to-face with Redstar.

Sunmist watched the little she-cat, feeling something akin to pride.
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Runfast Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:04 am

Redstar looked between the apprentice and the warrior, eyes wide.

Goldpaw spoke up,
"I'll die for Darkclan!"
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Meany Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:06 am

Bronzepaw, forgetting his minor depression, joined his siblings and called,
"I'll fight!"

Screechkit joined his brothers, and he heard the apprentices call. Some day, Screechkit would be just like that!
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Longstorm Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:07 am

Sunmist and Gorseclaw smiled at each other and called as one,
"For Darkclan!"
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Guest Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:11 am

Jaycall joined the crowd of wounded, but determined cats and called,
"You can count me in, Redstar. I'll fight to the end."

Skyecho, listening from the Nursery, called,
"Count me in. I've been lounging around the nursery for too long. I'm itching to fight for a great cause."

Frostshine looked at his sister, and his friends. He looked back at Redstar and mewed calmly,
"And I will follow you to the end, Redstar... Even if you need to be reminded of to have faith, every once in a while." Amusement glimmered in his eyes.


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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Runfast Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:13 am

Redstar looked at those who said they would fight. He felt choked up (and considerably stupid) for all the loyalty and devotion each and every one of these brave cats were showing. Slowly, he stood, and he mewed,
"I... I'm sorry. I thought..." He looked away, at a loss for words.
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CLOSED Moving The Plot Along Empty Re: CLOSED Moving The Plot Along

Post by Longstorm Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:15 am

"We forgive you," Silverpaw, having jumped off the root and joined the others, called. "Forgive and forget. Now let's go take back Darkclan!"

The crowd chuckled, and many calls rose up,
"For Darkclan! For Darkclan!"

Blueblossom watched all of them and padded up to her kits. She mewed softly,
"Keep safe. All three of you."

Silverpaw turned around and rubbed up against her mother, purring,
"We'll do our best." Even though Blueblossom had been absent for part of the kits' kithood, they'd befriended their true mother and had come to love her.
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